Chapter 45

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The explosion's echoes faded into the eerie stillness of the desolate field, dust and smoke swirling in the air like spectral remnants. Amidst the aftermath, she stood alone, a lone figure with an inscrutable expression, impervious to the chaos that enveloped the surroundings. The others had sought refuge, wisely taking cover, but her focus remained unbroken, fixated on a singular point as if deciphering the hidden threads of destiny. Angel descended gracefully, a silent observer beside Megumi, both concealed in the shadows.

The woman with (e/c) eyes narrowed her gaze, a sly smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. A subtle tilt of her head accompanied the upward lift of her chin.

"I hope you've enjoyed your little holiday."

"Oh, it was just fantastic!~"

A sudden apparition, a man with white hair, materialized before her. His lips curved into a grin, and before she could react, he pulled her into an unexpected embrace, arms wrapping around her with an almost possessive familiarity.

"It's good to be back...and it's good to see you, Y/n."

Her discomfort manifested in a subtle shift within his grasp, an unspoken tension lingering between them. She nodded, acknowledging his presence but maintaining a guarded reserve.


The joyful interruption came in the form of a weight crashing upon them, a blur of pink hair signaling Yuujis arrival. Others followed, more sensibly, and the field transformed into a reunion scene. Gojo, still grinning, engaged in animated conversations, seemingly oblivious to the world. Y/n, however, found herself pinned beneath him, an inconvenience that triggered an involuntary grunt.

"I'm sure you all have much to discuss, so how about letting go of me."

Her plea was met with a collective disregard. Laughter and chatter drowned out her words as the group reveled in their shared moments. Frustrated, she pushed Gojo away, rising gracefully and dusting off her attire with an air of composed irritation.

"Heyyy! You were so comfortable too!-"

"Silence yourself, you pest."

Her glare carried a subtle warning, but the reunion was abruptly interrupted by Megumi's serious tone, casting a shadow over the joyous gathering.

"Guys...I know we're all happy, but the culling game is still active...sorcerers are still killing one another."

A palpable tension settled over the group, a collective shift in atmosphere that mirrored the gravity of Megumi's words. Y/n, avoiding eye contact, bit her lip in silent contemplation. Yuuji, ever the optimist, voiced a question that hung in the air like a fragile hope.

"But didn't Y/n-sensei kill that slimy thing? He was responsible, wasn't he?"

Gojo's playful demeanor evaporated, replaced by a hardened gaze directed at the woman with (h/c) hair. Something in her distant gaze caught his attention, furrowing his brows with suspicion.

"Y/n. What aren't you telling us?"

In an instant, all eyes turned to her, their expectant gazes penetrating the layers of her guarded composure. She released a slow exhale, meeting their collective gaze with a subtle shimmer of guilt in her otherwise dull eyes.

"It wasn't just Kenjaku who created this game... it was me."

The revelation hung in the air, a weighty silence punctuated only by the soft rustle of the wind through the dust-laden field. Understanding dawned on their faces, connecting the dots between her confession and the lingering darkness that clung to their reality.

"That means..."

"I have to die in order to end the culling game."

Yuuji's fists tightened, the pressure of his desperation evident in the red crescents etched into his palms. A haunting growl emanated from a mouth on his cheek.

"What nonsense are you spewing, woman?"

Inside Yuuji's mind, Sukuna's throne bore the marks of his wrath, skulls shattered by his vice-like grip. His eyes glinted with lethal intent, and frustration manifested in heavy exhales through flared nostrils.

"I speak only the truth."

Gojo's silent scrutiny intensified, six eyes scanning for deceit, yet finding none. His lips formed a stern line, the collective gaze of onlookers shifting from disbelief to a glaring accusation.

"You're lying."

"There has to be another way!"

"We can't kill you! not even if we tried!"


Gojo's voice sliced through the cacophony, fixing on Y/N, who met their stares with an emotionless facade, her (e/c) eyes reflecting hidden turmoil.

"You knew this would happen. That's why you kept silent, isn't it?"

She licked her lips before confessing.

"I've known about the culling game plan for months. It was a destiny I embraced to break free from my constraints, to achieve what I thought was unattainable."

"Your sister."

"Yes. I didn't foresee the outcome. Destiny shifted, but the ending remained the same."

She lifted her head, surveying the group.

"Regardless of the destinies I've glimpsed, in any timeline, it concludes with my death. No other option."


Dust billowed from the ground, a cracked earth marking where Yuuji stood, a crater forming in front of Y/N. Beady scarlet eyes locked onto her.


Y/N smiled, a genuine expression that momentarily softened Sukuna's fierce anger. She touched his cheek, leaned in, placed their foreheads together and then stepped back, hands joining together.

"Domain expansion...

Judgment of the heavenly ruins."

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