IV: Quattuor

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Clearly, Lavinia had not the slightest clue of who Delvin was. 

She had followed him for the entire week, trailing his footsteps as he moved around the palace. And each and every time, it resulted in absolutely nothing. At random times the man would disappear into nothing, using magic to teleport someplace else. Most likely the Magic Tower. It was disheartening to say the least, but on the brighter side. She was basically getting paid to do nothing.

It was becoming noon, when Lavinia had finally given up on trying to get Prince Delvin to talk to her. Instead, she decided to help the local house maids on their weekly chores. It gave her something to do in the meantime, and at least this way she could feel like she'd actually earnt her money. Instead of getting it for doing practically nothing, 

 Lavinia had kindly been assigned to move some of the house's laundry. Despite the fact that she had temporarily given up on Prince Delvin, his presence lingered in the back of her mind. Like someone was constantly watching her every movement.

But that was silly. And it wasn't worth the trouble of thinking about.

The palace was unlike anything else she had come across, lined with golds, silvers and jewels. Figures, flowers and leaves etched into the walls like stone statues. The windows of the hallway were large, allowing as much natural light in as possible. It gave a view to the Royal Gardens, blooming peonies, sunflowers and roses lined the walkways outside.

It was gorgeous.

It was sickening.

Having been brought up with little to no money herself, Lavinia had no interest in the finer things in life. These people were simply too rich for their own good. While hundreds out there suffered, people inside the royal walls were stuffing their faces with caviar and all kinds of finer things.

Faint voices penetrated her ruminations, and she tilted her head in confusion. She was supposed to be the only one on laundry duty this afternoon. Lavinia halted for a moment, listening to the babble of female voices.

"What have you been doing?!" A shrill voice echoed in the hallway. "Look at you! You're hardly befitting a Princess!" There was a sound of shuffling clothes, before a shrill shriek echoed in the hallway alongside a deafening 'slap'. The loudness of it made even Lavinia wince. She picked up the pace, almost losing the pile of clothes she had curled in her grip.

Three maids stood towering above a cowering child, whose cheek was glowing raw red. Tears had begun to pool in the blue eyes of the child, presumably the Princess of the Vespertine Kingdom. Lavinia's mouth dropped. The audacity, the gall, the balls of these maids to even so much as touch a royal. People had been hung for much, much less these days.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Lavinia shouted, dropping the pile of dirty clothes she had been carrying in favour of barging her way towards the Princess. She shoulder-checked the nearest maid, pushing her back slightly as Lavinia moved in front of the young child. Placing her behind her back defensively.

She tilted her head to look over the child, making sure the maids had not done anything more untoward. The Princess's blonde hair was nothing like the Prince's more of dirty blonde, tussled in tight curls that feel delicately past chubby cheeks. The dress she was wearing was probably more expensive than Lavinia's entire family farm. Coated in a thick layer of dirt, with an awkward twig stuck to her pale pink ballet shoes.

"We're working, we have orders from the Queen to look after the Princess. So move, please," The nearest drooled, rolling her obsidian eyes as she made to grab the girl once again. Lavinia battered her hand out of the way sharply. It made an echoing slap, as she glared at her. The maid winced, clutching her hand to her chest protectively. 

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