X: Decem

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The King and Queen of Havevale were, to put it politely, rambunctious. The minute they had arrived, the Queen had bounded out of her relatively small palace, and into the Green Garden where they were waiting. A small, golden dragon delicately draped around her neck, as if that was a totally normal thing.

Lavinia didn't know what to do with herself, she was stuck between staring at the boisterous Queen to the baby dragon. Both were foreign to her. The differences between this woman and Delvin's mother were night and day.

But that's besides the point, this woman had a dragon! Delvin snorted, hiding his mouth with his hand as he looked at her. She sent him a glare, and quickly bowed her Grace to the Havenvale Queen.

"There's no need for that here!" The Queen laughed, and finally she got as good look at her. She was dark skinned, with tight curly brown hair. She was strong, defiant wearing trousers and a loose shirt instead of any formal wear. She bore no jewels, just the animal on her shoulders.

Just looking at her, you could tell she was a good person.

"Wait up! Wait up!" A male voice called, followed by the sound of frantic footsteps. "Oh my gods, why do you run so fast." The man jogged up beside the Queen, as she laughed at him. The Queen, brought up a hand to wipe away the beads of sweat that had coated the man's face, with a heartbreakingly fond look in her eyes.

The man was tall, with short ginger hair and sharp features. He too was firmly built, instead though he wore high regalia, prevalent to his position. This must be the King then.

Delvin stepped forward, holding out his hand for greeting. "Queen Calandra and King Tanix Of Havenvale, it is an honour to greet you as Prince of Kingdom Vespertine." The Queen, Calandra brushed aside his hand with a boisterous smile. Though the King took it, shaking it firmly.

"The honour is ours." King Tanix replied. Tobias stood next to her, and oddly, she felt like they both stood out. Didn't belong amongst the Royals. In comparison, neither of them had high titles. Her and Tobias, were ordinary in comparison to the extraordinary. Tobias, sensing her unease sent her a reassuring smile.

"Come, we will show you your quarters for the night. I'm sure you've had an arduous journey here, so rest for the evening. We will begin negotiations tomorrow morning and no sooner," King Tanix ordered, his voice firm and deep. He began walking back to the palace. Lavinia was almost in awe of it, it was humble in comparison to the one back in Vespertine.

Covered in gardens of flowers, trees and grasses. Ivy crawled up its walls. It was beautiful in a way that Vespertine simply couldn't be. Delvin followed the King, and they both seemed caught in conversation. Lavinia watched his broad back fade into the palace.

"Hello?" Calandra called, waving a hand in front of her face. Lavinia jumped backwards, placing a hand on her chest in shock. The Queen smiled, though not unkindly. The dragon at her neck chirped softly, almost like a baby bird. Tobias had cluncked off somewhere, most likely to get their luggage from the carriage. How she had been so distracted she hadn't heard him.

Lavinia bowed again, before straightening up. "I'm sorry your Grace, I must have been tired from our journey," She apologized, but the kind woman simply waved it off. 

"Oh nonsense, I saw you staring at him. He's handsome right? Too bad, I have my husband. But, I'd never replace my Dear Nix, he's more handsome. Don't you agree?" Calandra rambleded, and spoke as though Lavinia was already a friend. It was, almost, heartwarming.

"I wasn't staring at him!" Lavinia blurted out, then slapped her hand across her mouth. How could she have been so rude to a Royal. Not all of them were as complacent and uncaring as Delvin. No matter how much she distained the Royalists, in this other, foreign country she could well and truly be hanged for insubordination. 

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