No Good Deed

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I had never seen so many people gathered in once place. Wildewall's streets were bustling with life. They made the Thundercoast's docks, which used to be the largest marketplace I knew, seem tiny in comparison. I marvelled at the tall stone buildings, the fountains with dragon statues, and the countless of stands selling fresh fish, bread, pelts, jewellery, oils, and more. I didn't even recognise all the goods for sale or what their purpose was. Later, when we were out of Ariane's judgemental earshot, I'd ask Endris about them.

Despite the crowds, our passage was unhindered. As we rode our horses across the plaza, people hastily stepped aside like waves parting for frigates. Left and right, I felt eyes trained on my exposed chest. I did my best to ignore the stares until a woman up ahead shrieked. A loud thud followed her cry as her cart with wares toppled over. Apples, oranges, and other round fruits rolled our way across the ground.

My body reacted before my mind could catch up and question if what I was about to do meshed with Wildewall's etiquette. When I glimpsed the woman's horrified expression, I immediately brought Spot to a halt, dismounted, and started collecting pieces of fruit to bring back to the cart.

People leapt out of my way as I walked to the woman with my arms full of fruit. She had managed to push her cart upright, and I gently placed her wares back where they belonged. I didn't expect a thank you or a smile from the woman—people at the Thundercoast certainly never offered any acknowledgement. If I ever helped them, they ducked their heads and walked away before they were seen with a Montbow and got side-eyed by their neighbours. But I had also not expect the reaction I got here. When I turned to the woman, she had eyes like saucers and watery with tears. Her lips were parted in a silent scream. We made eye-contact for only a moment and then she dropped to her knees and pressed her forehead to the ground.

"Thunder god's chosen one. Please, don't punish me," she pleaded. "Please don't hurt me. I have children to feed."

I gaped at the woman. "What? No. Stand up. Why would I hurt you or punish you?"

Behind me, Ariane cleared her throat. "Laurence, my beloved, please, we must hurry. We have a long day ahead and we haven't time to punish merchants for their unsightly behaviour. Let us resume our journey."

Ariane put on a high-pitched, chirpy voice, making her sound every bit like a doting betrothed. I stared up at her in surprise, and she smiled softly at me. "Get back on your horse now, my sweet and leave the merchants to their business."

I opened my mouth to protest, but when I made an eye sweep of the street, I only found fear in the people's eyes. Some visibly flinched as I looked their way and lowered their gaze. Now I realised what Ariane meant. It was probably no use trying to talk to them while they seemed to be so scared. I quickly mounted Spot with a beet-red face. 

Ariane's expression hardened as she turned to the merchant woman who had pressed herself against the ground. "You are in luck today, woman," she said. "Spread the news that Laurence Montbow, storm-touched, has arrived in Wildewall and we will spare you your punishment for slowing us down with your graceless presence."

"Y-yes, my lady," the woman stammered.

"Now, get out of our sight."

The woman scrambled to her feet. She ran to her cart and pulled it after her as she fled the scene, half running, half sliding down the road, leaving behind most of the fruit that had fallen on the ground. The bolder people surrounding us dove on the grapes, oranges, and apples like vultures, picking up the free treats as fast as they could. Nimbly, they danced out of the way of our horses' hooves as we started moving again.

The moment we were out of sight, Ariane glared at me. Already, there was nothing left of the adoring betrothed act she'd put up in front of the merchants."Laurence, for the love of the thunder god, could you please stop embarrassing yourself in every single place you enter?"

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