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a list of sayings that juhee has said.

A - Alright, so, who took my ramen?

B - Back off, JK, that's my lollipop!

C - Can't chat, I'm off to workout.

D - Did Jin hyung tell you that I'm his favourite?

E - Excelsior.

F - Forever young, but I'm getting wrinkles.

G - Girlies for the win.

H - How am I supposed to be an adult when everyone treats me like I'm 5?

I - I'm done with everything, life, being an idol, wait no, I need to make money.

J - Jimin hyung's convinced that I would follow him to the end of the world if he asked me to. He's right, I would.

K - Keep looking that way, and not at my popcorn.

L - Losers are falling in love and I can't even fall asleep.

M - My one true love, tteokkbokki!

N - No way that Namjoon hyung wouldn't adopt Jungkook and I in real life, he loves us too much.

O - Of course I'll let you play on my DS.

P - Pack your bags, bitches, we're going shopping.

Q - Question. What do you call a group of warthogs?

R - Ready to mess shit up!

S - So much for not snaking each other out.

T - Thank you for not losing your shit with me when I make dumb decisions.

U - Use your words, kids, not your fists, even when they deserve to be punched.

V - Venom is such a good film!

W - What am I doing? Why am I like this?

X - Xylophone! I got a xylophone for Christmas!

Y - Your an absolute star, Hobi hyung!

Z - Zombies, but do a crossover with cats.

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