Thirty Four [Arms]

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"Get him inside!"

Soap was slipping in and out of reality. He couldn't distinguish the line between fantasy and reality anymore, everything blurred together in bright lights and mixed voices.

He could see Price. His older captain stood to his left, running along side him as he was pushed somewhere. He didn't know where he was, the last thing he clearly remembered was being thrown from the zodiac. Now he was lying down staring as bright lights flashed above his head.

"Lis" he called.

He was now stood in a plush lounge, expensive furniture dotted around the room, a large rug covered the dark wooden floor. His eyebrows pulled together slightly.

"Price?" he called, he glanced down at himself, His uniform now transformed into a open plaid shirt, crisp white t-shirt and dark jeans. His hands slowly ran over his abdomen.

No injuries.

"John?" Alyssa's voice called; his eyes snapped up towards the door.

Alyssa stood before him, holding a small boy who looked almost identical to John, the same face except for his emerald, green eyes matching Alyssa.

"What's going on? Where am i? where is price?" he questioned his eyes darting around the room. Alyssa's eyebrows pulled together slightly, tears coming to her eyes as she stared at him.

"You're going to be fine John. Do you hear me? Stay with me John" Alyssa spoke, Stray tears running down her face as she stared at him.

"What are you talking about? Lis what happened? Where is shepherd?" John stepped closer to her, The agent didn't move, stood frozen looking through the captain.

"Lis?!" he questioned more desperately.

"Do you hear me! You need to hang on! Listen to me I swear to God john"

"Do you hear me! You need to hang on! Listen to me I swear to God John" Alyssa spoke as she walked next to him. Her voice desperate as she stared at his frame, limp on the gurney, she held his hand tightly as his eyes fluttered slightly.

"The safe house is up ahead!" Nikolai shouted, Alyssa glanced up, watching as the safe house quickly came into view. Price glanced down towards Soap, the pale captain unresponsive, lightly breathing as the gurney rattled against the dirt path below him.

"Keep moving!" Price ordered, he was pushing the stretcher along with Nikolai, the worry expression on his face as he flicked his eyes between the direction they were heading and back towards soap.

"Lis?!" he was stood outside now.

In a large garden, he glanced around, surrounded by lush flowers that filled his nose with their sweet scent, He slowly moved around, running his fingers along their soft petals.

"John?!" Her voice filled his ears, His eyes snapped up frantically searching for where her voice came from.

"Lis?!" he called out blindly.

"John?!" her voice was desperate, he could hear the crack, the tears that threatened to spill. His heart raced as he began running through the maze of flowers and bushes.

"LIS?!" he shouted, he paused, spinning in place trying to decipher where she was.

He was met with silence.

"Out of the bloody way! Get a doctor!" John frowned slightly.

"Price?!" He called. His legs moving once more, fear coursing through his body at the thought of Alyssa in danger. Why did she need a doctor? His chest heaved as he moved as quickly as his large frame would let him.

Beautiful Lie [John 'Soap' Mactavish]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα