Forty Two [Sing Me To Sleep]

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Price's voice snapped his eyes open.

Gun fire exploded around them.

Yuri was pulling rubble revealing Alyssa's crumpled frame.

John quickly stood, his head spinning as he stumbled forward, Pushing Yuri away. He dropped to his bottom, drawing Alyssa's body into his chest, He quickly examined her noting the numerous wounds on her body and face.

"Look at me you're alright!" John spoke, he cradled her body as his eyes desperately searched for price.

"It's okay Lis listen to me you're alright!" His voice was desperate as he moved her dirtied and tangled hair from her face.

"Price? Price!" John shouted, Price looked over as he fired a few more rounds. He quickly moved over, thrusting Yuri's gun into the Russians hands ordering him to provide cover.



"Alyssa!" John pleaded, His jaw tight as the tears flooded his eyes.

Her name sounded alien on his lips, like venom, it burned his lips as he spoke it, softly shaking her. He felt the tears force their way to the front of his eyes, building ready to break through the dam. She was surrounded in a puddle of her own blood, the source unknown as John desperately tried to find it. Her face cut and bruised.

"Alyssa please!" He begged through clenched teeth, as he shifted slightly.

Her eyes fluttered. Barely opening as they met his.

"That's it! I'm right here. Come on lis. come on get up" she blinked a few times, her ears ringing, vision blurring, darkness invading her peripheral, threatening to swallow her whole.

She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, she could feel the blood flowing through her veins, her body felt heavy, felt alien to her as she tried to stand, her legs wouldn't listen to her mind.

"Come on... That's it" John spoke, quickly dragging Alyssa to her feet, hoisting her arm over his shoulder to bare most of her weight. Her head fell between her shoulders as she slipped in and out of consciousness. She stumbled slightly as John began moving.

"John...Yuri....Makarov...Turgenev" Alyssa mumbled slightly, she began fading in and out of consciousness as John quickly moved, her feet little help as they dragged behind her. Her head fell once more, the darkness consuming her.

"Keep moving!" Price shouted leading the way, John lifted Alyssa slightly in a bid to bring her back around, he bit back his own Tears, his gaze falling to her broken frame every so often as he dragged her along.

"We can't stay here. C'mon, this way. We have to get off the street!" Price shouted. He quickly threw a smoke grenade to provide them more cover, Alyssa stumbled once more, the pain ripping through her leg caused her to scream out slightly. John held onto her tighter dragging her towards the smoke.

"Enemy bird! Get off the road!" Price shouted as a helicopter flew overhead gun firing on the team. Alyssa once again slipped into unconsciousness, the metallic tang of blood in her mouth disgusting and uncomfortable.

The ringing in her ears unbearable.

Her body heavy and made of stone.

"Set her down." Prices voice pulled Alyssa back to reality, her eyes slightly fluttered as John gently placed her on the floor, he took her face in his hands. His eyes were filled with tears as her heavy gaze met his.

"You're alright...I'm gonna get you out of this and I swear once we are home, we are gonna have the perfect wedding, big with all our family, and I'll build you a big house lis, anything you want" He offered her a sad smile, his thumb running over her cheek, her own blood smearing against her skin as it coated his hands. A small chuckle escaped her lips before she winced in pain, her arm wrapped itself around her blood-soaked abdomen.

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