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Kinn, confident : Hey, how's the most beautiful human being in this world doing?

Porsche : *barely spares Kinn a glance*

Porsche : I don't know. How are you?

Kinn :

Kinn : *voice cracks* I'm fine.

Tankhun, from a distance : Bloody gays! *wiping tears*

author-nim here lobelies!!^^
so i'm back with another update...
today, i'd like to dedicate this chapter to...
thank you so so much love for spending your precious time and efforts on my work here...
i can't be more grateful to you that I am right now...
seriously, thankyou so so much for keeping up with your love for this book...
keep reading y'all, cause this book won't stop until we get our season2 announcement!!^^

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