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Korn : You’re giving me a sticker?!

Chay : Not just any sticker! That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”

Korn : . . .I’m an old mafia boss.

Chay : Fine, I’ll take it back.

Korn : Back off little boy!! I earned this!

~somewhere in distance~

Kinn : *whispers* Just what is happening over there?

Kim : *whispers back* No idea bro. . .

Chan : Your dad is getting whipped. Again.

Kinn : What the fuc-

Kim : How did you even get here? Weren't you beside them just now?

Chan : Abacadabra.

Tankhun, from behind them : And they say I'm the weird one. Heh. *sips tea*

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