More Of You

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Hey Butterscotch!

I don't know about you but sometimes if someone asks me to talk about who I am I'm not very good at just monologuing. But something I enjoy (and you might to) is answering the most basic and kinda simple questions.

So, since I like knowing more of the lovable and wonderful person that is you, I've decided to ask you those basic and simple questions while also answering them myself.

It will be like we are having an awkward dinner together, cautiously getting to know each other while feeling like we have this connection that has gone on for years.

Now! On to the interrogation- I mean onto the delight of getting to know each other!

Question: what is your name or a nickname that you feel comfortable sharing?

Me: It's Joy. But my sister calls me JoyJoyFace.

Question: what is your favorite color?

Me: yellow! But a lemon yellow!

Question: what is the color you think most describes you?

Me: Yellow. But like a mustard yellow because its still cheery but there is a deeper tone to it that let's you know I have depth.

Question: what is the song you are currently queuing up?

Me: It's Answer: Love Yourself by BTS and Vibe by Taeyang (ft. Jimin). Answer: Love Yourself is like getting a warm hug from a friend.

Question (that seems similar but isn't): What song have you been listening to on repeat?

Me: The Astronaut by Jin. It's the song for my characters Sophia and Zander and so it helps me picture them and get into their story.

Question: Current book you are reading and your thoughts on it?

Me: I started The Koreans, a book about the history and culture of Korea. So far I'm finding it really interesting. I also just finished a book of essays by a journalist from the magazine The Atlantic. It's called Lenika Cruz on BTS. It was a short book but seeing her perspective of the band and the fandom was fascinating.

Question: pet peeve?

Me: messiness.

Question: something new or interesting you are into these days?

Me: I'm learning Korean and I like it! 진짜 좋아요! It's still in the early days but I love how the language looks and after consuming so many kdramas and BTS videos it's fun to be able to start picking out sounds that I know.

Question: Life goal, or a simple goal in general?

Me: Finishing The It Girl which was something I didn't expect to be so difficult.

Question: who is the person in your life that makes you smile?

Me: my family! My sisters Gracie Face and Murph the most.

Question: what are three words to describe you?

Me: Joyful (had to!) odd, brave. (I've faced years of sickness so I'd like to think that I'm brave for going through that)

Final question: what is your sprint animal? And why?

Me: a panda. I think this fits because they are a little dumb, kinda strange but lovable. (I'm hoping I'm lovable. I don't know, maybe I've put you through so many emotionally depressing chapters that you don't find me lovable)

So yeah! I hope you had fun just answering some random questions! I'm excited to simply get to know a little bit more about you!

Here's my spirit animal! I look cute as a panda!

Here's my spirit animal! I look cute as a panda!

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