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Author's note : I will be writing in POVs, while mostly being Wednesday's, when warranted for plot convenience it will be someone else's :]


Wednesday's POV  

          *BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.* 

          My alarm went off, piercing the serene silence. It had been a few weeks since the fight with Tyler, and I had spent no time reflecting on what had occurred. My parents had briefly questioned me, but they seemed more interested in the idea of battling a ghost than my well-being. Of course, I'd expect nothing less from heathens such as themselves

          My anonymous stalker has been non-stop messaging me, the text-tone engraved into my head. Once I return to Nevermore, I'll actually be able to get a lead on who it may be. I've spent my break perfecting my fencing, archery, combat, and painting skills. I cannot allow someone to be better than me at anything.

          I get up from my bed, silencing the ever annoying alarm on my bedside table. I look at the ebony colored walls of my room, breathing in slowly through my nose.  I had left my uniform by my bed, and I grabbed it in order to dress myself. I slipped the black shirt over my head, followed by my blazer. I then slipped off my black sweatpants, replacing them with the black skirt. I put on the socks, and slipped on my shoes. I made sure Thing was not looking.

          "Thing. Prepare my torture tools and my typewriter. We are headed back to Nevermore today. Don't you dare allow anything to break." I said. Since Nevermore, I had started a new novel. I had plans to continuously devote an hour of my time to it, but my family had put a dash in that. It pains me to admit, I miss Nevermore. It was the only place I felt like I truly belonged.

          While Thing was busy finding the required items, I walked over to my closet. It too shared the ebony color of my walls, while also having a shiny finish. I reach for a few sets of clothing, all of which are various shades of greys, whites, and blacks. I refuse to allow any article of clothes plagued with color in my closet. Along with my selected outfits, I grab my boots and a change of shoes.

          As I turned to head back to my bed, I heard a thud. Instinctively, I walked out of the mouth of my closet to check what had made that sound. Upon my exit, I see Thing. I assumed he had been packing my typewriter, but he hadn't dropped it as I had guessed. He had simply closed the case too hard. Of course, I rationally took care of it.

          "Thing. Before I break your fingers, enlighten me on what that noise was." 

          He hastily signed that it was the case. I stared at him, watching as the appendage squirmed under my gaze. Turning away from him, I take the clothing I'd grabbed and started to fold them. I gingerly took each article and place them carefully into my suitcase. Just as I placed the last shirt into the case, my phone buzzed. As usual, I ignored it. I'm still adamant about not becoming a slave to technology. The fact that it may be my stalker is just an added inconvenience. It buzzed again, then again. 

          Thing moves to silence the device, but I raise my hand. 

          "I will do it myself. Since I'm departing for Nevermore soon, I may as well check on how much of a threat this alleged stalker is." I say, walking over to my nightstand. As I pick the device up, the screen glows, signifying that it's on. The first notification I see is from Xavier. 'How's your break going Wens?' . That horrible nickname is something I will not tolerate out of anyone's mouth, whether through text or not. 

          The next few were also from Xavier, desperate for my attention. I found it repulsing. The one that caught my eye was from the stalker. 'Better watch out, Addams. When you return to Nevermore, we're gonna have some fun.'  The message within itself wasn't extremely intimidating. It was the attached file that intrigued me. It was an image of Xavier, walking around the town square. Why would this heathen think that I would react to this? Whoever it is, they have some personal grudge against me. I seem to have that effect on people.

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