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The same warnings from the last chapter apply to this one.

Wednesday's pov :

           "Wednesday Friday Addams.. I love you."

           Those six words were things I never imagined hearing in my lifetime. Love. I've only ever truly felt it once. I was about ten, maybe twelve, and I was forced to go to summer camp. There was this boy, his name was Joel. Unlike the rest of the idiots that I was forced to reside with, he was tolerable. 

           He couldn't handle my family, so I decided that there was nothing truly there. After years of reflection I've come to the conclusion that I've never truly wanted to be romantically or sexually involved with a man. I've never attempted to tell my parents, one reason being that it is my life, not theirs, and another being that I assume that I may be disowned. Pugsley himself is romantically into men, and I doubt he feels it is appropriate to 'come out' himself.

           Enid leaned her forehead against mine, holding me close. This was new. My heartbeat increased yet again, her arms holding my lower back. Usually, my sharp tongue would have cut deeply into whoever dared touch me. This time however, it didn't. 

           I leaned closer, opening my eyes to look into her eyes. They were a beautiful blue, only comparable to the clear waters of the Maldives. I wrapped my arms around her, this time I kissed her. 

           I didn't expect this. I didn't expect anyone to be able to love me as she was. To most other people within Nevermore, I am a cold, macabre freak unable to feel anything. But after Enid hugged me last semester, something within me has seemed to awaken. Until now, it had taken me this long to figure out what it was.

           Now I know.

           As Enid pulled me impossibly closer, it was getting harder and harder to ignore. I love her. I imagine that it'd have been more obvious to me by now. That feeling when she spoke about Ajax? Jealousy. The reason I wanted to make Ajax's life a hell? I wanted to protect her. My disgust when Xavier kissed me? Anger at his audacity mixed with the fact that he had no chance of me being romantically interested in him. 

           "I love you too Sinclair. I have for quite a while.. I just didn't realize."

           Enid smiled as she pulled away. 

           "Yeah, it was the same for me, ma chérie. Is it alright if I call you that?"

           She takes another breath.

           "Wednesday.. will you date me? Will you be my girlfriend?"

           I look up at her, my hair a mess. 

           "I prefer the term partner.. yes. Yes I will."

           Enid's eyes filled with joy as she her lips met mine again. "I'm glad that I met you."

           That night, instead of returning to her own bed, she insisted on staying in mine. She held me in her arms, resting her chin on the top of my head. For once, I genuinely wanted her to just keep me there. She's the only one that I will ever allow to hold me like this. Anyone else has a death wish. 

           Her warm body, pressed up against my cold one, slowly began to warm me. It was a strange sensation. Somehow, I slept better than I would have if Laurel had succeeded. 

           The next morning, I woke to Thing frantically tapping the sheets. He paused for a second when he saw that Enid, who was still asleep, was holding me. I shot him a warning glare, and he continued to frantically tap.

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