Episode 125: Supreme King Raging Dragon

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Yuto stands looking confident, but his expression quickly becomes puzzled when he notices everyone else staring at him.

Ruri: "Yuto..."

Hearing Ruri say his name, the pieces click in his mind and he unconsciously steps toward her, tears in his eyes having realised she can see him.

Yuto: "Ruri..."

Yuto's duel disk suddenly announces 'Intrusion Penalty: 2000 LP, Tag Duel joining'. (Yuto's LP 2000)

Yuya and Yuto look between themselves and Yuto's duel disk, confusion written all over their faces.


In the other room, the Doctor frowns.

Doctor: "Hmm, this will not do."

The Doctor snaps his fingers. Then again waves a hand towards the door.


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"Rin. Go."

Without pause, Rin nods, her face expressionless and eyes glazed over. Then walks off and exits the room. Leaving a final figure stood in the shadows behind the Doctor.

Yuzu remains there, robotic and lifeless.


Serena and Ruri's eyes suddenly glaze over, all expression vanishing from their faces. Yuya and Yuto look at them, fear in their eyes at what might be happening. Then Serena steps forward pointing at Yuya and shouts...

Serena: "Stop stalling and finish your turn!"

Yuya panics, quickly checking his hand. At the same time, Yuto draws his opening hand, surprise showing on his face at the cards he is holding.

Yuya: "I set 2 cards face down and end my turn."

Ruri: "That means the effect of Restore wears off and Panther Dancer's Atk drops back to 1400." (Panther Dancer's Atk 1400)

Yuya: "And Dark Rebellion's effect ends so Panther Dancer and Dark Rebellion's Atk returns to normal." (Dark Rebellion's Atk 2500, Panther Dancer's Atk 2800)

Yuya looks over at Yuto and sees him studying the cards in his hand.

("Wait, I've got Yuto's cards. So what...")

Ruri: "My turn."

Ruri draws a card as Yuya and Yuto's attention snaps back to the duel.

"I activate my own Parasite Plant. Then using its effect, I can equip 1 Parasite Fusioner from my deck to Parasite Queen and take control of it. Also it gains 300 Atk since another Parasite Fusioner is equipped to it." (Parasite Queen's Atk 2700)

Parasite Queen attack... attack his monster."

Parasite Queen sprays a torrent of poison at Dark Rebellion. Yuya makes to dash for an Action card but looks down at his hand realising he already has one. Unfortunately he can't use it to stop the attack. Seeing Yuya freeze, Serena dashes forward, jumping up to the higher platforms. Yuto spots the Action card she is heading for and runs towards Dark Rebellion. His dragon bends its neck down and he hops onto its head. Then Dark Rebellion gives Yuto a boost, launching him up to the platform Serena is aiming for. Yuto manages to grab the Action card a second before Serena can and activates it as he falls.

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