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"He's just my.. uh, acquaintance?"

THE SUMMER WAS QUIET. It was like everything in Beckett's life had come to a stand still. She had the suspicious feeling it was the calm before the storm, but decided to ignore that factor. It was a path she'd get to when it came.

Instead, she enjoyed what the silence brought her. It brought her bliss and days laying in the sun with Jason and Eric. Surprise there, hm? Some people might think that conversation between the two of them was just an off day, a moment of weakness. Eric wasn't expecting much from it.

But Beckett held up. She tried to hold back her comments (Though sometimes they slipped through! She couldn't help it) and made an effort to invite him to hangout. She even found herself laughing at his jokes, which was quite the upset if she thought too much about it.

When she went over to babysit Morgan, she no longer dreaded running into him. She would give him an awkward smile and he'd cheekily return it, giving her a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. Once, he'd accidentally given her a Coca Cola and apologized profusely for about ten minutes, despite Beckett's laughter and reassurance.

"I'm not that traumatized."

"You don't even like Coke!"

"Eric, it's okay." Apparently it wasn't. She never saw a Coca Cola can in the Matthews' house after that.

It still made her uncomfortable how.. genuine he was. It made her even more so when she thought about herself being genuine back. It scared her.

Change was difficult for Beckett. She tried to push it away as often as she could.

In other, non Eric Matthews related news, the girl finally took the time to audition for a play. Yes, you heard that right. The Crucible was hosting auditions downtown and Amy Matthews had sent the ad her way after learning about the girls sudden fascination with acting. It was such an insignificant part of her life three months ago, and now she was auditioning out of the blue. Who knew her little brother playing some idiot in a middle school production would inspire her?

Speaking of little brothers, Shawn and Cory were giving her a run for her money. They were changing everyday in the blink of an eye, slowly becoming young men as they prepared for their first year of high school. It was horrifying to realize Shawn was almost taller than her, because how would she boss him around now??

Life was chaotic and calm all at the same time. Maybe that's why she never really care for summer as she did winter. Summer was quiet in a way where everything changed beneath your feet and before you knew it, no one was the same. Meanwhile, the winter gave her a deep nostalgia that made her existential in a humbling way.

As August slipped away into its final few weeks and The Crucible came to its closing night, Beckett was ready for summer to be over. She was sitting backstage, waiting to go on as Elizabeth Proctor, almost feeling the autumn air creeping at the back of her neck.

"Hey, Beck." A voice called as the girl was pulling her hair into a tight bun. She recognized the voice immediately. It was Wyatt Sullivan, the boy playing Beckett's husband, John Proctor.

Wyatt was an incredibly sweet boy, the type to open doors for anyone and everyone or ask how they were. He also brought a gift for every one of his cast mates on opening night. He gave Beckett a silver four leaf clover pendent, saying it was good luck since this was her first role on stage in a very long time.

"Hi, Wyatt! What's up?" She smiled lightly at him.

He held out a singular rose and an envelope, "This is for you!"

"From you?" Beckett scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion.

"No, no!" He awkwardly laughed, "Some guy outside asked if I could give this to you."

Beckett looked down at the two gifts. Her name was scratched in messy handwriting on the envelope and the rose was wilting ever so slightly at the edges. She rested the rose on the table ahead of her and slipped the envelope over, revealing a very short note.


I haven't read The Crucible since I was like 13, but I'm sure it'll be great!

Break a leg! (I looked that up in a book, theatre is weird.)


PS: Jason pitched in for the rose but we only had two bucks between us so.. sorry!

Beckett rolled her eyes at the last sentence. Eric had just gotten paid at the supermarket four days ago, so it was a mystery on how he spent it all already. As for Jason, he always complained about having no money, yet refused to get a job.

"So.. was that your boyfriend or something?"

Beckett let out a loud laugh, "Hell no! He's just my.. uh, acquaintance?" She wasn't really sure what to classify him just yet.

Wyatt raised his eyebrows and gave the girl a smile, "Acquaintance? Damn, buddy didn't even make it to the friend zone. That's real low."

Beckett scoffed, "Eric doesn't want out of the friend zone, trust me."

"You're telling me he gives you a rose and a cute note and he doesn't like you?" Wyatt asked skeptically. "Sounds suspicious to me. News flash, Beck, when guys like you, they're gonna give you a gift."

"Oh?" Beckett gave him a mischievous look, "Like a pendant?"

Wyatt rolled his eyes and extended his hands, "C'mon, Elizabeth."

She took his hands in hers and allowed him to pull her to her feet, "I'm not hearing a no!"

"Okay: No!"


998 words

WOOOO!!! Little summer excerpt to get the show on the road! Season two is coming very very soon... with a new character???

Introducing Wyatt Sullivan! I'm personally using young Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a face claim for him :)

Also, Beckett's a junior!!! They grow up so fast :(

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