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"Holy crap, Frankie woos women!"

BECKETT WRAPPED AN ARM around Shawn and Cory, surprising them both. They gladly accepted her affection as the three walked down the hall of John Adams.

"Hey, you know how we hate Harley and his little friends?" Cory asked the older girl, who nodded gladly. Harley Keiner made her extremely upset. She still wasn't over the prank from last year, and boy could she hold a grudge. She wouldn't be surprised if she told her kids this story years down the line in bitter memory.

"We've got a good joke about him." Shawn grinned. Beckett motioned for them to continue, and they gladly did.

"Well, the macaroni and cheese in the cafeteria has more grease than Harley's hair." Cory said excitedly, making both Hunters laugh.

"I think that's how they made it, they just turned him over and wrung him out." Shawn added.

The trio laughed loudly as they turned the corner, coming face to face with Harley himself. Beck dropped her arms, and in unison the three gasped and pointed dramatically.

"And I thought it was going to be a slow day." Harley sighed, his arms spread wide. The three backed up and Beckett was having a hard time pretending she wasn't afraid.

He made it very clear he had no limits. Beckett would never be an exception, especially when she ran her mouth.

"You thought we were talking about your hair? No, no, everyone knows your hair's not greasy." Cory tried to reason as the trio were backed up to the lockers.

"Well, some could argue." Beck looked Harley up and down nervously as her back collided with a locker.

She wished she was more of the nonchalant type, when instead she was the stumbling, awkward can't shut up type. 

"Why don't you test it and tell me?" Harley angled his head so one of them could touch it, which Cory volunteered to do so. He ran a hand over it quickly.

"Wow! Dry as a bone." He stated, going to rest the hand on the lockers behind him. Unfortunately the statement came back to bite him as his hand slipped off and he fell to the floor. Beckett cringed. "Sorry, inner ear problem."

"This is ridiculous." Beckett shoved herself out from the clump, "I'm not about to get killed with the freshman boys. I am better than this."

She might have sounded confident, but her face read otherwise. She mouthed sorry to an offended looking Shawn before she spun on her heel to evade the situation.

She went to look for a teacher who could at least break up the group before a fist fight happened, but she was stopped short when she heard a rumor down the hall that Harley had left the boys to Frankie the enforcer.

Oh god.

There wouldn't be time to find a teacher before the funeral.

In a split second decision, Beckett sprinted down the hall to the cafeteria with a new found courage. She was going to stand up to a bully.

A very strong and scary one.

She slammed through the doors and hit a heroic stance, "Back down now before I.. uh.. pummel you."

Shawn and Cory looked back at her incredulously, both seemingly fine.

"You're not dead."

"Beckett, just the woman I was looking for." Frankie smiled, though the girl couldn't tell if it was supposed to be menacing or not.

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