Chapter 2 - did that just happen?

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(Honestly: i have no idea where i was going with this, but Dream's a bitch)

"I can't decide" Tommy admitted as he dodged an attack from Desmond who responded swiftly. "You don't know if you wanna be a hero or a villain, alot of people have different opinions. And depending on the person's opportunities too".

Tommy believed it, most people sought after people with powers, especially the heroes. He had never heard of a person with no powers becoming a hero, or if you didn't have a good enough power you were off the board.

And even then, it was rare that a person interested the agency enough to be chosen to be given a license.

He had learned that from Tubbo's mother Puffy, who herself was a part of the agency. She was Captain, one of the only heroes besides Feline, and Warp that cared about civilians. The other heroes didn't clean up the civilians around them. Which often resulted in civilian casualties.

Desmond threw another punch at Tommy but he dodged again and managed to clip the man's shoulder. If he did decide to go the vigilante to hero route he could be a vigilante for months, hell even years waiting for an invite to an agency which probably wouldn't care of him.

Of course he could always ask Puffy, but he didn't know if becoming a hero was right just as he thought with a villain. He didn't wanna ask Tubbo's mother as he didn't wanna see his best friend's asshole brother. His sister was pretty cool, but Tubbo's older brother seemed to hate Tommy for some reason.

He felt his hand heat up as a flame burst from the leather. When Desmond went to block he left himself open to physical attack. Before the man could predict Tommy's movements he was in front of the blue haired man. His foot met with the older's chest, knocking the breath out of him.

"Time out" Desmond said, tapping out as he could barely breathe from the strong kick to his chest. "Yeah!" Tommy yelled, throwing his hands up into the air. It had been only a week since he had started fighting the blue haired man. And now he was besting him every time. It felt nice to finally be on the winning side, he was torture to fight. "I still need a name, and plus we don't even have a costume, and i can't even choose a side"

Zespri butted into the conversation quickly, "here's how we could do this" he started getting both their attention.

"We find out a name and make a costume, you'll start him off as a vigilante, then gradually transfer over to villain. And if you wants to be a hero you can transfer back"

Tommy liked the idea, it made it so he tried one tried the other and worried about choosing later on.

"I think it'll work, we could try that" he responded, "great, sift through these, try and take in the details. I'll see you next week to talk about it more". And with that Tommy left, making his way through the forest with a bag holding a book, and a few magazines in it.

When he finally made his way into the bustling metropolis of Pogtopia, he collided with someone. Tommy stumbled back and was surprised to see the number one hero staring back at him.

"Oh sorry, are you ok?" Dream asked, the voice changer he wore deepened and distorted his voice. There was this kind of echo to it as well. The man was tall, his hood over his head covering most of his hair. But not well enough since Tommy caught a glimpse of dusty-blonde wisps.

Something felt odd about the hero, he seemed suspicious. Zespri's bar was on the other side of town from the agency, which was usually filled with high crime, and poorer people.

They never patrolled this side of the city, and they never patrol alone, so why wasn't Dream with anyone. Tommy couldn't stop himself from gazing around, his eyes darting to shadows around him.

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