Chapter 27 - Counterclock

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Tommy stretched widely, making sure he strained his body for the patrol. For some reason he felt sore, like he had been in a tough fight. He fixed his uniform in the mirror, running his hands through his fluffy blonde hair. He scanned his room with a smile, grabbing his mask off the table.

He slid it over his face, moving his hair to cover the thin black strap wrapping around his head. Tommy slid the hood of his shirt over his head, concealing most of his thick blonde hair.

He was clad in blacks, whites, and reds. Similar to his mentor. Dream wasn't that scary when you got to know him. 404 in his opinion is scarier to him, though the heroes who looked scary on television were actually the nicest people he'd ever met.

Tommy froze at the door hearing a faint rustling near his bed, a small black snout poked out from beneath his pillow. He hesitated to check, could it be a rat? If so he would have to warn the agency.

He grabbed his taser off the table and slowly approached, the thing seemed to gaze around the room with its snout, sniffing every few seconds. Tommy grabbed the pillow and tossed the stuffing filled fabric to the side. He lit the taser up, pointing it at the small creature.

He hesitated for a moment as he saw what was gazing back at him, it wasn't a rat or even a mouse, it was a small fruit bat. He turned off the taser and slipped it onto his tool belt.

"How did you get in here?" he asked, holding his hand out for the small animal to climb up it. It climbed up his arm with no issues or protest, and nuzzled into his hood.

The small bat was definitely used to being handled by humans, which was strange. It looked up at him as if it knew him, but he'd never seen a bat before in his life. Maybe on TV, but not right in front of him.

"Do you have a name?" he asked, picking up the small bat from her place on his shoulder. He ran his fingers through its fur attempting to find some form of identification.

It didn't have a collar, but it did have a small maroon band around its leg. The words engraved were written in gold 'Tallulah'. The bat, Tallulah, began to flaunt her wings standing to full height and stretching them out before throwing them forward then back.

It seemed like a little exercise, maybe the owner taught them that. Tommy grabbed his phone and stepped back a bit, placing Tallulah back on his shoulder and removing his hood.

Tommy took a few selfies with Tallulah and began to post them on his instagram, he captioned the post with. 'Found someone's fruit bat in my room, it's named Tallulah'. He hoped someone would ask about it, it had quite a peculiar name.

It didn't take long before a ton of comments began to flood in, saying things like.

"Oh she's so cute!"
"I love fruit bats!"
"So cool!"

Of course there were the occasional people ignoring the post and saying things like first or saying high to him. After about ten minutes of scrolling through, he landed on a post that seemed quite peculiar. Someone had stated the bat was theirs and linked an account.

Tommy didn't have a chance to click the link, as a knock at the door gained his attention. He turned his phone off and stuffed it in his pocket, sliding his red hood back over his masked face.

He opened the door to see Anaglyph standing there, tapping his foot impatiently. He opened his mouth to speak, but Tommy ignored him pushing past him and making his way down the stairs of the tower.

Anaglyph yelled after him but Tommy tuned him out. "Vision!" the hero yelled, anger visible in his tone. The small bat gazed around the halls with wonder. He made a quick stop by Ender's door and softly knocked on it.

Tommyinnit's Tome Of MagicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz