Chapter 8

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Taehyung quickly walked out of the elevator but Jungkook didn't move an inch as soon as his eyes landed on you. You didn't seem to notice Jungkook staring at you yet as you were still stunned by what just happened a minute ago. Your eyes were still on Taehyung's broad back as he walked away in a hurry.

Jungkook followed your gaze and his heart dropped as he noticed you staring at taehyung. You finally got to your senses and the first person you saw was Jungkook in front of your eyes as you made your way out of the elevator.

With an indistinct frown settled in between his brows he asked in a deep voice,"Why are you here?". Again..the same question. You sighed deeply before rolling your eyes at him. "Listen, It's none of yours or his business", you pointed in frustration in the direction taehyung just walked in.

Jungkook didn't seem to be pleased by your response. All the passersby curious gazes were on you and Jungkook now. You looked around nervously before turning around to leave but jungkook didn't seem to care about people's gazes on you both anymore. He was fast enough to grab you by your wrist and pull you along with him to a corner where not many people could be seen.

Everything happened so fast that you didn't get enough time to even react to his action. "What the fvck is wrong with you?"You pull your brows together looking up at him as he finally lets go off your hand. He stayed silent with his eyes still down on you.

He was silently staring down at you the whole time making you finally relax your brows as you looked up at him straight in the eyes. He took a step further closer to you. What is he up to..?

For a moment it felt as if the whole time had stopped, there was no one around except you two. Though his face was straight all the time but his eyes.....why..? Why everytime I look into them I feel there's sadness in them and that makes my heart wrench..

A loud voice of someone shouting out a particular person's name distracted you and made you snap out of your thoughts and you quickly looked away from him. "You shouldn't be here", he noticed that which made him realize the distance between you two and take a step back, maintaining a proper distance between you two.

"Oh..", you looked up at him again with a sarcastic smile flashing on your face. "I think I have already cleared myself up and if that's all what you wanted to say then please excuse me", you replied, bluntly. "I'll be around", he said in a low voice making you scoff in response,"no need to be around".

With that you turned around and took a step forward but stopped midway to look back at him for the last time before walking away. "When I needed you, you weren't around and now when I don't need are..what's the use?"Your last words left him speechless as he lowered his gaze in disappointment.

[Y/n's pov] :

With multiple thoughts playing inside my head I made my way towards my department. "Hey y/n", a familiar voice grabbed my attention which made me look up and spotted grace walking towards me with a smile.

"So? How was it?"She asked, making me shake my head slightly not getting what she meant. "What are you talking about?" "Oh, c'mon the whole department is praising you at the moment. Because of you our company finally has got a chance to get a project from THE KIM CORPORATION" "she sounds really happy and excited.." I thought to myself and forced a smile back at her.

She linked her arms with mine and started walking towards our seats. "Grace can really talk a lot.." I smiled at my thoughts before getting back to my work. While staring at the PC screen I still couldn't get those thoughts out of my head. What all happened earlier was a mess...I sighed.

"Ms. Y/n and Ms. Grace", a voice made me and Grace look up and see Mr. Lee's secretary standing in front of our desks with a smile on her face.

We both looked up. "Mr. Lee asked you both in his cabin right now", she notified and walked away making me and Grace give each other a puzzled look. We both stood up and headed towards Mr. Lee's cabin.

"So, I have asked you both here for a reason", Mr. Lee smiled and asked us to take our seats.

[End of pov]

#skiptime : Kim mansion :

[Taehyung's pov] :

I walked out of the washroom changing into a hoodie and sweatpants and sat down on the bed while stretching my arms. Suddenly, a flashback of me kissing y/n in the elevator crossed my head making me facepalm my face, embarrassingly.

How did I lose my calm..and do such a thing without any warning? I must have freaked her out. I rubbed my face with both of my palms. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the pillow with many thoughts still going on inside my head.

Why did she hide this job from me? I wouldn't have said no and also helped her get a job in Kim corporation then why? A frown settled between my brows as I gave it a deep thought.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling before my eyes landed on the clock. It's past 7 p.m. Why is she not back yet? I heard from housekeeper Joe that y/n returns back by 7 then why is she not home yet..?

Sitting up straight, I quickly grabbed my phone from the side table and dialed her number. [The number you've dialed is currently switched off] beep...and with that the call got cut.

Why is her cell phone switched off..? I thought to myself looking down at the cell phone in my hand and immediately dialing another number.

"How can I help you, sir?" "Track y/n's cellphone and let me know her location in next 5 minutes" with that I cut off the call.

Meanwhile : at club :

You and Grace were sitting across from two men who were in their mid 30's in a private room. The room was spacious and calm but for some reason you were not having a good feeling about it.

When you and Grace were called by Mr. Lee in his cabin. He asked you both to have a meeting with these two guys who are CEO's of the companies which rank in first 20 in the country. He was so stunned by your performance that you actually got Kim corporation's attention so in front of that getting a project from both of these companies will be like a piece of cake for you.

"Mr. Yang and Mr. Baek, so what do you think about this?", you asked with a professional smile on your face after you were done explaining the whole proposal. "It's excellent", Mr. Baek replied and hearing that grace quickly held your hand in excitement.

She was happy thinking maybe you both are going to get two more contracts. "But before we sign the contract...", Mr. Baek paused and looked at Mr. Yang who smirked at him. You pulled your brows together. "We want to buy you both a drink", Mr yang finished Mr. Baek's sentence.

"Sorry. We can't drink during work", you replied straightforwardly making their smiles fade. "What a pity. You can't even drink to celebrate? That would be really rude of you", Mr baek relaxed in his couch making the air tense up.

You were left speechless. You looked at Mr. Yang and then again at Mr. Baek who was waiting for your response. It's true that you can't really say no to a drink were busy thinking until Mr. Baek leaned in and picked up a cup of beer and placed it in front of you.

"Come. Just a cup", he sat back as you kept on staring at the cup for a while. After a moment of thinking you were about to pick it up until,"wait", Grace stopped you by holding onto your wrist and picked up the cup. "I'll drink in her place", she said in a low voice and drank it up.

Time passed, they kept on making her drink which made her completely drunk. "One more cup", Mr. Baek smiled and placed another cup in front of her. She was about to pick it up until you took it from her hand. "She can't keep on drinking", you replied sternly. "Oh..then how about you switch places with her?", Mr. Yang smirked, making you tighten your grip around the cup.

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