𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 • 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚

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To say life was unfair was a tremendous understatement

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To say life was unfair was a tremendous understatement.

Of course, there were those moments that were undoubtedly unfair, yet a universal experience. Things like not making the sports team, or not being elected Student Body President—those were common; those were understandable.

What wasn't understandable: constantly being compared to your academic rival for years, and never being able to outrun the competition.

Aspen Greenwood was a name I'd heard much too often in my life. Aspen was a parasite, following me around everywhere I went, infecting my mind and plaguing my thoughts with her simple presence. No matter what I did or what I said, she was always right beside me, ready to take my place the second I happened to falter.

That's why I never did.

It was ridiculous. It had gotten to a point when I would try something new, just to find out she signed up for the same classes a week later. Piano lessons? She was there. Dance classes? She was there. Yoga, of all things? She was there. Every. Single. Time.

Truth be told, there were a few things one of us was better at than the other. When it came to social skills, Aspen took the cake every time. She happened to have a much smoother voice and more relaxed energy than me, making her mere existence exude more charisma than I ever had. But when it came to real leadership, I was always number one. I think the worst part was that she was always number two.

That was our dynamic, after all. Everyone knew it. She was Student Body President, I was Vice President. I was elected President of the National Honor Society as she followed closely behind with the VP title. If one of us were on top, the other was in second place, and if there was a chance for us both to be on top, we were.

Until high school, I didn't even realize it was possible to have a co-presidency in half of the clubs I ended up joining. American Sign Language, FBLA, Environmental Club, Key Club—every single time I started running for President, she just had to do the same. It was exhausting always having to compete with her, especially since we were both undeniably great candidates for the job every time.

So, I came up with the only logical solution: move all the way across the country for college. This was for multiple reasons. One, I would finally escape this dramatic rivalry between Aspen and me; two, I would be able to find independence and get away from my parents who treated me like their living, breathing trophy; and three, I would be studying film production at one of the best art schools to ever exist, Barington University. It was the perfect plan.

At least, it was perfect. Until I got all the way to Colorado, ready for move-in day, just to find out I was going to be rooming with none other than Aspen Greenwood herself.

author's note:

hi guys! i'm so excited to start a new journey with you all, and i hope you are too! i don't want to make this too long; i just want to let you know i'm eternally grateful to all of you and i hope we have some fun together during the writing process of TFTF.

also, just to clear up any confusion, here are some quick descriptions of the clubs mentioned in this chapter, since a lot of people may not understand the purpose of all of them:

> FBLA / Future Business Leaders of America - an organization that trains the younger generation how to be successful business leaders.
> Environmental Club - a club made up of people who want to learn more about/advocate for a healthier planet.
> Key Club - a volunteer-based club that provides members a bunch of opportunities to do some volunteering.

if there are any questions, please be sure to comment and tag me so that i can help you out! i hope you enjoy reading!

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