Minerva McGonagall

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Hi! We're in a completely different era now! This is McGonagall's first period, which includes heavily implied Poppy x Minerva [I forgot the ship name but oh well] because I love them too much! Also, my kitten came home so I'll be posting a lot more this weekend.  Expect a Pomfrey fanfiction at some point. Hope you enjoy it!

Hogwarts lay still as the clock struck 11 pm on Friday, and Minerva and Poppy were sitting together in their 2-person bedroom, playing exploding snap. Poppy was winning, as she always did, but Minerva was sure there was another reason why she was losing this time. Her hand had subconsciously fallen onto the area of her abdomen as it pulsed slightly in the background, though she hadn't exactly noticed it until now. The more she focused on it the stronger the pulses seemed to get. She had placed a second hand on her abdomen, causing the exploding snap card she was holding to fall to the floor, and winced. She was sure Poppy had noticed, but she was a healer in training so it wasn't unexpected. "Minnie, are you okay?" She asked, placing a reassuring hand on the girls' shoulder. All she got from her was a shake of the head before Minerva got up and sprinted across the room, towards the small bathroom they shared.

Slamming the door, Minnie briskly pulled her long skirt up just enough so she could pull her underwear down. As soon as she did, she noticed a blood stain on them and a feeling of panic spread through her bloodstream - or at least it felt like that. What was going on? Before her brain could even process what was happening, Minerva found herself sobbing violently and falling to her knees. Her head was held up by her hands, and she was resting on the door for support. She was sure that Poppy would hear her though, and she was not ready for that. Merlin, why did she feel so helpless?

Poppy was sat in her original spot, praying to Merlin that she was just gassy and hadn't contracted any illness or anything too dangerous. But when the violent sobs came through the cracks of the bathroom door, Poppy had no second thoughts before she stood outside the door and knocked.

"Go away!" The voice came from the other side of the door, filled with tears and panic for what she could hear.

"Minnie, please let me in. What's wrong?" Poppy's voice was comforting to Minerva, one of which made her panic chip away ever so slightly.

"Poppy! I-Im bleeding! I don't know what's going on!" She bellowed, having to breathe every couple of words as her sobs overtook her, "Please, help!" She sighed in relief at those words, now knowing nothing was wrong with her friend. Poppy let herself in, giggling a little as she saw that Minerva's bum had shuffled along with the door.

"Minnie, look at me. Nothing's wrong with you. You're just menstruating, or having a period." She saw the confusion on her friends' face and carried on, "Basically, it's this normal thing that happens to girls between the ages of 13-14 where you bleed from your vagina. It's only so you can have children. You can use these cloth things that are at the wizarding shops sometimes and they're called moon cloths. You put them in your undies and they soak up the blood!"

Poppy gave her one of these cloths and showed her how to put on one, or basically doing it for her and she watched. Once the pair were sorted, the girls' sat together in bed whilst Poppy read her favourite books and plaited her hair. It wasn't until a few hours after the incident that Minerva started to speak. "Thanks, Poppy, for what you did back there. I'm glad it was you and not my mother if I'm honest." Both the girls giggled, "Haha! Imagine that. Minerva, you are a woman, which means you have to follow what society thinks you should be." Poppy sat up in a posh manner, doing an amazingly accurate impression of Minnie's mother, making them both get into a fit of giggles, so much so that Minerva started to cry from laughing. "Merlin, I love you pops." 

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