Trans Severus Snape

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I've been waiting to finish this oneshot for soo long. Severus Snape is a character that I have mixed feelings about but I thought that making this fanfic based around his relationship with Narcissa would be cute. I do also have a Lily Evans version 2 fanfic in the making that includes Severus so stay tuned :o Hope you enjoy it, and I'll see you next time!

Walking into Malfoy Manor, Severus already knew that this Death Eater meeting wasn't going to end well. Partly because Lucius Malfoy had been again tasked to run the training today, but also partly because he'd felt like shit ever since he'd gotten up and was not in the mood to be there. Either way, he had to be there no matter how horrible he felt so there was no point complaining. He sat down at the abnormally long table along with the rest of the Death Eaters, finding himself sat next to Narcissa and Evan since they were, in his mind, the most tolerable out of the group and settled as the meeting began.

As Voldemort's voice boomed across the hall, Severus found out very quickly that there was something preventing him from focusing. His abdomen was pulsing heavily under his cloak and he tried as hard as he possibly could, but as always, halfway through the meeting, he found that he was most likely not going to last the whole way through. After a few moments of thought, he cleared his throat which caused Voldemort to look at him questioningly, "Yes, Severus?"

"My lord, may I please be excused for a moment? Something has come up." He asked confidently, but inwardly his whole figure shook with fear at even the thought of interrupting the man that could easily kill him just for breathing too loud. "Of course, be quick back."

He had no time to second think about the fact that Voldemort was actually nice to him before he was fast-pacing towards the nearest bathroom, which was, unluckily for him, on the 2nd floor - he was on the first. He walked up the stairs, wincing heavily when his abdomen throbbed with every step he took on the large stairwell.

As soon as he shut the bathroom door, he was bent over at the waist in agony. He wasn't properly sure what was happening to him, but he had some idea from hearing Lily talk about it with her friends whilst they were studying together. Merlin, he hoped and prayed that this was not what was happening. Severus hesitantly pulled his robes up, revealing his slightly blood-stained trousers and groaned loudly - maybe a little too loud. This was indeed what was happening, in the middle of a death eater meeting. He pulled down his trousers and his completely soaked underwear, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do when he heard a knock on the door.

Narcissa had been worried when Voldemort had mentioned that Severus wasn't back yet, so she volunteered to check on him since she knew deep in her heart that he would rather speak to her about things than Lucius most of the time. She made her way to the 2nd-floor bathroom, where she heard a loud groan and didn't worry too much. What made her worry more is whether Severus would actually talk about his problems, since he usually doesn't - she just hoped that he would confide in her this time. She quickly made her way to the bathroom door, took a deep breath for good luck, and knocked.

"Go away." Severus breathed, not moving from his please to unlock the door, and he wasn't thinking about it too. "Sev, it's me. What's happened? You can tell me." Narcissa knocked again, her comforting voice travelling through the door. As much as he tried to lie, his instincts told him to tell the truth, and at that moment they were winning. "Cissa, something happened. And it hasn't happened to me before, so you can't laugh or be disgusted, okay?" Narcissa agreed, since she hadn't seen him this vulnerable before and didn't want to scare him off. "So, I think I started my- menstrual cycle." Narcissa sighed in relief hearing that.

"And why would I laugh at you for that? Believe it or not, it does happen to me every month as well." She let out a slight giggle.

"I know, I'm just not prepared for this at all," Severus replied truthfully, cringing inwardly at himself for letting himself get this vulnerable.

"It's alright, I got ya." Narcissa grabbed something from her bag and slid it under the door, "Here. You know how to use those, right Sev?"

"Yeah. Thanks for this, Cissy." He whispered softly, getting up from where he was not sitting on the floor.

Once he had sorted himself out, Severus opened the door slightly to find Narcissa still standing there, waiting for him. She immediately engulfed him in a hug, squeezing so tight Severus was sure his organs would pop inside of him. "Now, let's get back to the meeting." Narcissa cheered sarcastically.

"Woohoo," Severus replied, with the same sarcastic cheer. Narcissa was about to leave when she stopped and turned to look at the young man behind her, "You okay?"

"I'm in pain, but yeah I'm okay." He whispered softly - neither of them being able to hide their small giggles at that moment, giving her a reassuring smile before grabbing her hand and letting her guide him back to the meeting.         

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