Chapter Six

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The seaside market was busy this time of day, so we were greeted by the busy rush of people of all shapes and colors as they rushed to and fro to buy, or to sell to their heart's content. After being on a ship with a small crew for over a month, this was definitely a welcomed change as I smiled and looked around at all the people.

Though, when I caught sight of the discomfort on Davian's face, my smile faltered a bit. I made my way over to him—not missing the way his knuckles turned white from holding Cayden's hand so tightly. "Are you alright?" I asked him, causing those ruby eyes to snap towards me.

"Y-Yes, sorry. I-I just...the last time I was in a busy town like this, I was injured and...humiliated."

I frowned, my heart tightening in my chest as even Cayden's face darkened. "I assure you, Davian, this won't be like that. We don't judge others based on the blood running through their veins. Take a look around you, half-breeds are all over the place here. And look, they're happy, too."

Davian frowned a bit as he looked around the crowd, his posture slowly relaxing before he nibbled at his bottom lip and nodded.

"Besides," Cayden spoke, pulling Davian against his side, "I'm here with you, the real me, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

I swallowed and looked away as the jealousy burned through my throat. Now, I wasn't jealous of Davian and Cayden, per say...but of the love and trust they had between each other. And seeing them like that reminded me of my time with Cyrus, before...well, before he tried to kill me. I wanted to have what they had, but after Cyrus, I was too much of a coward to pursue that desire.

That's all it was, really. I was too much of a coward to let anyone get to close, because they could betray me at any moment. Which was why I turned down Tavan. At least, I was sure that was the reason.

Gods I needed to stop letting my mind fall into that dark place. It never did me any good.

"Oh my goodness, is that Prince Drakell?!" Came a squeal to my right, and when I turned to look, a grin split across my face when I caught sight of my favorite little trio of misfits rushing towards me.

When they confirmed it was me, smiles grew on their faces as they approached—each one of them no taller than my kneecaps. "We thought you were gone forever!"

"Yeah! Where were you??"

"Did you kill any cool monsters?"

Chuckling, I lifted the smallest into my arms and ruffled his auburn curls. "No, no. I didn't slay any monsters. And I was just on a little adventure, nothing too big."

The little brunette—Synthia—tugged on my pant leg with wide eyes. "You went on an adventure? Without us?"

I patted the top of her head. "Well, I did think about it...but your momma would have hunted me down and given me a stern talking to."

"Damn right I would have," said momma intervened, an easy-going smile on her round face. "And it wouldn't have been just a stern talkin' to, either. I would'a whooped your tush too."

"I wouldn't want to anger you, Momma Ray," I said as Charlie squirmed in my arms to be let down. Obliging his silent request, I sat him down on the ground and watched as he grabbed onto Momma Ray's skirt.

"Can he come over for dinner?" He turned those bright eyes towards me. "Momma's having roast!"

Momma Ray picked him up. "I'm sure his Highness has things to do—considering he's been gone for more than a while." She gave me a pointed look that had me blushing in shame.

"I...had to clear my head a bit."

Momma Ray raised an eyebrow. "Your father?"

I nodded my head, clearing my throat when I felt Davian's curious gaze on me. "Actually, um, I'm going back to the castle today. I' some grand news for the family." I briefly gestured to Davian—who had been watching this whole conversation in silence—and Momma Ray's brows raised when she looked at him.

"Oh my. Who is this young fellow? He bares quite a resemblance to your family—if I do say so myself. Did Drake knock up another poor woman?"

I snorted and shook my head. "No, no. His wife wouldn't have let him frolic with anyone other than her." I walked over to Davian and gave him a reassuring smile. "Actually, this is me and Drake's baby brother, Davian.

Momma Ray blinked slowly, seemingly thinking over what I said before her mouth dropped, and her eyes widened. "Your brother, as in the "lost prince" your brother?!"

Her eyes widened even further when I nodded, and she walked over to him—the top of her head barely reaching his chest—staring at him in awe.

"Oh you sweet thing, let me look at you."

Davian looked at Cayden, then at me before he stepped from Cayden's side and knelt in front of Momma Ray, allowing her to take his face into her hands.

"Oh goodness, look at you! Oh you are so grown up now! I remember when you were such a wee thing, sitting against the king's hip as he paraded you around." Momma Ray turned and looked at me. "Where'd you find him? Last I heard, the deity Cryone took him away."

"I thought so too—for the longest time. But then chance brought me to him, and now he's finally home where he belongs." I frowned, and placed a hand on Davian's shoulder. "The northern king, Alton...he had Davian this entire time."

Momma Ray frowned. "The northern king had him? And he wasn't smart enough to see the resemblance between him and the draconic royal family?"

I shrugged and shook my head, feeling a sour taste fill my mouth. "Oh I've no doubt the bastard put two and two together, but just didn't care. Or got some sick satisfaction out of that fact. Honestly, regardless if he knew or not, that bastard needs to burn in the hells for what he's put Davian through."

Momma Ray frowned further, and looked towards Davian before gently patting his cheek. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. Whatever that man did to you, it will never happen again, now that you're home. Your father will make sure of that." She withdrew her hand and patted the front of her dress, turning her attention to me. "Speaking of home, I've no doubt King Dracon would love to reunite with his long lost son. Are you heading there now?"

I briefly glanced at Davian before nodding my head. "Yes. He's why I've returned here. I want Davian to meet his family, and to be protected here. Which, my father may be stubborn, but he is protective of those he cares about."

Momma Ray nodded. "That he is. I'm guessing you need a carriage to the castle? I can flag down a guard for you."

I looked in the direction of my home, which loomed in the far distance—tall and impressive—then rubbed the back of my neck as that anxious feeling crept back up my spine. "That would be great, actually."

It took Momma Ray about five minutes to find a duo of guards, and once they saw me and I explained the situation, they wasted no time procuring a carriage for our little troop. And before I knew it...we were making our way to the home I had spent most of my life in.

A/N: Cryone (cree-oh-nay) is the deity of death for anyone wondering lol


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