The First Trial

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Maximus's POV

We just checked into a hotel in Sweden.

I was not looking forward to seeing Areleyna, again. Last time I saw her, I told her I'd be there when she woke up but then she started spouting some bullshit about being my girlfriend. Needless to say, I bolted as soon as she fell asleep. I have no idea why we need her scales in particular, that question has been bothering me.

"So where do we go from here?" Joel asked me. I grumbled in reply until he nudged me.

"She's near the Baltic Sea. She used to reside in it but the pollution has become so bad that she prefers to stay on land now." I told them.

"So how did you two meet?" Brent asked me.

"I was sunbathing nude on the beach, hey don't judge me, then she walked up to me and propositioned me. Who was I to say no? We chatting for a short while before she invited me back to her place." I told them.

I could see Damien shaking his head. Judgmental punk. Not all of us were virgins until we met our mate. Hell, I didn't think I would even get a mate.

"She lives in a small country-side cottage. It's not far from here, we can take public transportation." I told them.

We hopped on a bus and then just waited for the right stop.

When we arrived we only had a short trek until we reached her cottage. I felt a cold sweat run down my back. What if she refuses to help simply because I'm here?

"I don't think I should be here," I admitted to the guys.

"Why not? Don't you think she's more likely to help us because of you? The rest of us are just strangers." Colten said.

"Or she'll refuse just to spite him." Brent chipped in.

"Look, we won't know until we ask." Joel said.

I knocked on the front door and waited. Shortly, a small child answered the door.

"Hello, I said, is Areleyna home?" I asked.

"Mama! Someone's at the door for you!" The child yelled out. Mama? I paled, looking at this child who seemed about 5 - 6 years old, around the last time I saw Areleyna.

I watched her approach the door in confusion, then recognition, and finally anger.

"Max! What the hell are you doing here? Come to pay child support?!" She spat.

I nearly fainted. "A-are you sure?" I asked.

She pursed her lips before finally ushering us in.

"I've waited for the day you returned, I just didn't expect you to bring all this eye candy." She said.

I looked at the small child standing next to her, trying to find my resemblance.

"Is this my daddy?" The little girl said.

"I-I -" before I could finish my sentence Areleyna interrupted.

"Ok sweetheart, I think we've messed with him enough. You're too quick on your feet." She said.

The little child giggled and ran off.

"Her father is at the market, she knows full well who he is. In fact if it wasn't for you, I never would have met him. He was a rebound that turned into love." She said with a fond smile on her face.

"So why are you here? I'm a taken woman now." She said proudly.

"I need a few scales... I need to complete a set of trials." I told her.

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