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Brent's POV

"Now let the real trials begin." That's what this fucking podium said. You've gotta be shitting me.

"Call the others," Joel said but as he finished his sentence the hole began to close up from above us. I dashed forward to try to clear it but no luck.

"No reception." Garrett said, waving his phone around.

"Welcome!" A voice boomed from all around us. I turned left and right but couldn't see anything new.

"I'm your host, Gabriel! If you can complete these trials, I will grant one wish. You can wish for anything! I just ask that you don't destroy the Earth, that may be annoying to deal with. Now then!" The voice cut off and a glowing man in a white robe walked forward out of thin air. He was at least 8 feet tall with long blonde hair, huge muscles and sharp features.

"Who's ready?" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"What's with those fake trials?" Joel growled.

"Oh that? That was just because it's funny. Who doesn't want to visit their ex? The flower thing though was just because I got bored of trying to think of more ideas so I gave an impossible task. Sorry about your friend though. No idea who did that one." He winked exaggeratedly.

"Time for the real trials. Now that the moon is full, Earth is full of magic. In fact, I have a buddy, he's a bewitched demon gone wrong. I'd like to see you slay him." Gabriel said, smiling still. I could see Garrett roll his eyes.

"Say hello to Jimmy! Yes I gave him a name, don't you name your pets?" He cackled like a little kid eating a cookie.

This man is absolutely nuts.

A half man - half demon creature was conjured out of thin air. It's human leg was causing it to walk with a limp and it strode forward slowly. This will be a piece of cake. I willed myself to shift into my wolf but nothing was happening. What the fuck?

"Oh yes, no cheating, so that means no wolfing out!" Gabriel called out.

The demon thing stood in front of me with it's repulsive breath that was like hot garbage. I wanted to puke just being in it's vicinity. I dodged it's first attack by jumped out of the way. It's legs were slow but it's arms were faster than average. All I could do the first few minutes was hop around and avoid attacks. Why is it only following me? I looked over at the others and saw them just watching me.

"Fucking do something!" I yelled at them. Garrett stepped in and ran towards us with his vamp speed, reaching Jimmy in seconds and ripping his throat.

"Oh darn, I should've said no vampires either. Oh well, bye Jimmy!" Gabriel fake pouted.

"Why didn't you jump in sooner?" I hissed at Garrett and he had the audacity to just shrug at me.

"Now then, time for the second trial! We're going to make a trip to an active volcano!" Gabriel then shot a beam of light out and we were transported to the top of a volcano. It was hot and surreal even being here. I peeked in the mouth of the volcano and paled. That's a long drop.

Gabriel shot out another beam of light into the volcano and created what looked like a long piece of wood.

"Now children, only 3 of you will move on from this trial. I don't like there being so many of you so I'm going to eliminate one of you. Cross this makeshift bridge and try not to fall in. Now chop chop!" He cackled, again. This guy is getting on my last nerve.

Feeling like I need to be a bad ass, I decided to go first. I took a deep breath and tested the wood with my weight. It bowed slightly but seemed like it would hold. Must be angel power. I slowly and shakily worked my way from one end of the volcano to the other on this suspicious piece of wood. When I reached the other side I bent down and kissed the solid surface.

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