Getting to Know Yourself

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He made his fifteen minute drive from school to his house with Louis asleep in the back. When he pulled into his driveway he took a deep breath before getting out and getting Louis. After a minute of gathering himself he grabbed their backpack and but them on one shoulder and then opened the back to get Louis. He unbuckled the boy and picked him up. He walked in the door.

“Mom, I’m home,” Harry said as he walked in.

“Oh Honey!” She cheered and made her way to him.

“Shhh,”Harry said as she came running over with his sister behind her. They both stood stunned for a second at seeing Harry with Louis in his arms.

“You owe me your trust fund,” Gemma said looking at Harry who was setting his and Louis’ backpacks on the island.

“What?” Harry asked.

“Well yesterday I bet my trust fund that you would be Louis’ caretaker and I was right. Meaning you wagered your trust fund, which I’m assuming are the same size so since I was right you owe me your trust fund,” Gemma explained.

“You’re insane,” Harry replied, “can you please get the diapers and wipes out for me?” he asked looking at her. She rolled her eyes but opened the backpack and pulled out the desired items.

“Are you happy?” Anne asked.

“Yes, I’m nervous and Louis didn’t take it well but I’m happy,” Harry replied and smiled.

“Then I’m happy too, does Jay know?” she asked.

“I don’t think so, also could you do me a favor and go get his car, I’m pretty sure it’s at school,” Harry explained.

“How old is he?” Gemma asked.

“You can look at our folders while I go change him. I need to order a lot of stuff for him,” Harry said.

“Well you go change him, I’ll call Jay and Tom and we’ll have them over for dinner and Gemma will start ordering everything you need,” Anne said as she handed her son the diapers and wipes.    

“Thanks mom,” Harry smiled. He took his supplies and went upstairs to his room. He gently laid Louis down on the bed. The boy stuck his thumb in his mouth, Harry needed to get him a pacifier asap. He took his shoes, pants, and underwear off. He was so thankful Louis was still dead to the world. He took out a diaper and put it on Louis before putting his pants back on. Thankfully Louis didn’t wake up.

Harry pulled back his sheets and put Louis under his covers. He tucked him in and kissed his forehead. He left his room but kept the door open and went back down stairs. When he walked in his mom and sister were both on the phone. His mother was talking to Jay about Louis and coming over for dinner tonight and Gemma was on the phone with a little store, he hoped it was a nice one.

“Yes, dear he is but don’t worry I know Harry will take great care of him. Uh huh, are you sure? Really it’s no problem Gemma and I are happy to go get it. Ok if you insist. Ok, that sounds great. We’ll see you tonight at six, ok bye,” Anne hung up the phone.

“So Jay’s coming at six?” Harry asked taking a seat next to his mother.

“Yes, and her and Tom are going to get his car. And she is also going to pack up some stuff for him and bring it over tonight,” Anne explained.

“So I guess he’s living here now,” Harry said looking down at his hands.

“What’s wrong dear?” Anne asked with motherly concern in her voice.

Harry sighed, “I’m just a little overwhelmed and I can only imagine what it’s like for Louis. I just… I don’t… I want him here with me but I don’t want him to feel like I’m taking him away from his mom, they’re so close,” Harry told her.

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