Unfortunate reality

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Note: I may or may not forgot that I did this so here's an update

Harry woke up to Louis crying before he even woke up. Harry was surprised when he heard crying, he rolled over to see what time it was since it was still dark outside. It was one in the morning. He groaned but got up and picked Louis up. He bounced him around the room as he woke up.

“It’s ok Baby, you’re ok,” he cooed as Louis came too.

“Where am I?” he cried.

“You’re with me Harry, your Daddy. We’re in our room,” Harry explained as he sat down in the rocking chair and readjusted Louis so he was cradled in his lap.

“Eye hwere?” he asked trying to calm down and look at Harry.

“Because you’re a Little, you are my Little, and you’ll be living here with me,” Harry explained tiredly rocking.

“Daddy?” he asked looking at Harry.

“Yes baby, I’m your Daddy,” Harry smiled and kissed Louis on the forehead. He cuddled the boy closer to him and hummed to him as he rocked back and forth. Louis calmed down and fell back asleep. Harry sighed in relief. He got up and put him back in his bassinet.

He got back into bed and went back to sleep. Two hours later and Louis was up and crying again. Harry groaned as he rolled over and picked Louis up. This time he took him to the changing table and changed the wet diaper. When he picked Louis back up the boy seemed more alert than he had been. 

“You want a bottle?” Harry asked walking down to the kitchen.

“Aww baaaah baaaah,” Louis replied putting his head down on Harry’s shoulder and playing with his hair.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Harry said walking into his kitchen. He set Louis down in the highchair and was surprised when he didn’t protest. He grabbed a pacifier from a drawer that had been dedicated to Louis’ new baby stuff. He put the soother in his mouth and grabbed a toy that was sitting on the counter waiting for a place to reside.

He then walked over to the cabinets and grabbed the formula. He filled the bottle with distilled water and put the right amount of formula in it and shook it up. He put the bottle on the warmer and went back over to Louis who was playing with the stuffed puppy. Harry smiled as he watched him. He hoped that once Louis accepted his classification he would be this adorable and cute, but hopefully he wouldn’t be waking up in the middle of the night.

When the warmer beeped Harry picked up the bottle and turned off the warmer. He tested it on his hand, it was ready for Louis. He put the bottle down on the counter and picked Louis up out of the chair. With Louis in his arms he grabbed the bottle and made his way back upstairs. He sat down in the rocking chair for the fourth time that day.

He adjusted Louis to be cradled in his arms again but this time he put the bottle in his mouth. He rocked and patted Louis’ diapered bum. Louis was enjoying his milk. He liked feeling like this, feeling worry free, calm, and at peace. He knew he loved Harry and that he was the best daddy in the world.

As Louis’ eyes were fluttering, he didn’t want to go back to sleep but the bottle was getting to him, Harry smiled at him and said, “I love you, Louis.” A few minutes later Louis was asleep again. He took the bottle out of the boy’s mouth and put it on the bedside table. He stood up and put Louis in his bassinet again, he got into bed, put his hand on Louis’ tummy and was out like a light when his head hit the pillow.

When Louis woke up the next time it was seven thirty. He finally felt like he was in his right mind. At first he was confused as to where he was, he wasn’t in his bed that was for sure. He sat up and saw Harry then all of the events of yesterday came rushing back to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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