Chapter 11: Hellacious

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I have to. I have to. I have to.

Arnav was in shambles, caught between his Di's innocent smile and her ignorance regarding Shyam.

Shyam, her husband. The man she loves and worships.

Shyam Manohar Jha, the man who also cheated his Di and fed her God knows how many lies. He's let him poison her life for long enough, and that he can never forgive himself for. But not anymore.

Arnav stops fiddling with his fingers and looks up at her, smiling and talking with Nani and Mami. No one in the Raizada house knows yet, which is a decision he had made. Di has the right to be the first to know of Shyam's vile truth. The rest he would handle later.

The sound of her laughter echoes against the walls of the living room and brings him out of his reverie.

I'm so sorry, Di. I have to.

"Di, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, Chote. Is everything alright?"

He doesn't want to alarm Nani or Mami. "Yes."

He helps her up, holding her hand as they ascend the stairs and enter his room. He sits her down on the bed as he kneels in front of her on the ground.

"Di, there's something..."

"Wait, Chote, before you start I need to tell you something too," There's a twinkle in Anjali's eyes, confusing him.

She rests a hand on his cheek, the other guiding his hand to her stomach. The wheels turn inside Arnav head and his uncertainty morphs into realization, his jaw tightening.

With glassy eyes, Anjali whispers, "You're going to be an uncle! Can you believe it?"

He takes in a large breath, his throat suddenly dry. "Oh, Di..."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier Chote, there was so much going on with NK bhai and Khushi ji, you were so busy between the hospital and then your work-" She notices her brother looking down, and tilts his chin up, "Aren't you happy?"

A single tear escapes his eyes as he purses his lips to regain his composure. Arnav rests his head on her lap, suddenly unaware of how he can ever go through with telling her what she needs to hear. How can he ever deliver a truth that'll make his sister's world come crashing down at her feet?

"I am. I'm so happy Di,"

They sit in silence for a while, his head on her lap as she strokes his hair lovingly.

Just when he feels his resolute slipping away something in him snaps, the newfound news of Anjali's pregnancy providing him an even bigger reason to protect her and her unborn child from Shyam.

"Weren't you going to tell me something?"

He looks up at her, taking her hands in his.

"Di, you know how much I love you and care about you, right?"

Anjali lets out a small laugh, nodding. "Of course, Chote, why?"

"I need to tell you something, please just listen and know that I would never want any harm to befall you or the baby,"

"Chote, you're scaring me now,"

He stands up, realizing he can't bring himself to face his sister as he starts telling her about Shyam, about all that Khushi told him, about everything he's done. He didn't look at her once while he spoke, and neither did she make any sounds. He told her about Shyam at Lucknow, him being acquainted to the Gupta family, then becoming a paying guest at their house here in Delhi while they had no clue about his real identity. He told her about Khushi's engagement to him, and about how they found out the truth soon afterwards, but couldn't tell them to avoid causing the Raizada family pain, thinking he would change. He told her how Shyam is still obsessed with Khushi, how he's harassed her on multiple occasions, and how he puts up a facade in front of the family, pretending to be the perfect husband and son in law.

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