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"Hai re Nandakisore. The house feels so empty without Payalia," Madhumati wonders out loud.

Khushi feels tears pooling within her eyes for the upteenth time today, a day she will remember forever. If she was unsure about feeling utmost joy mingled with sadness before, she definitely isn't anymore. Today, her Jiji is no longer a Gupta. She is no longer living under the same roof as her, she is no longer just a sister and a daughter – but a wife and a daughter in law, two roles that she must prioritize along with all else. There comes great sadness and nostalgia with that feeling, one that only siblings who share a strong bond will understand. But along with this comes enormous joy – watching her Jiji become one with the man she loves, seeing her being welcomed into her family, knowing that there is tons of happiness in store for her future.

What Khushi hadn't anticipated, was the feeling of ecstatic love she had experienced, just moments before her sister got married.

Arnav ji.

Arnav ji had professed his love for her, had bared his heart to her, had cried in her arms, and then asked her to marry him. She was floating and hasn't quite come down to the ground since then. Her heartbeats quicken as she recalls the time spent by the poolside amidst twinkling diyas, living the moment she had only dreamt of. Except her dreams did not even compare to the magical reality.

Khushi walks into her room, the room that she shares – shared – with Payal. A tear falls down her cheek when she realizes that she'll be here all alone, until another thought intrudes: But not for long. After all, she had said yes to Arnav ji. They are to be married. But when? And how will they tell the families?

The thoughts swirling in her head are interrupted by the ringing of her phone. She picks it up and smiles. Of course. It's Arnav ji.


Her eyes close as her insides melt at the sound of his voice. Sometimes she gets scared of the effect he has on her. "Arnav ji,"

"Hmm. How are you doing? Tum theek ho?"

The concern in his voice is hard to miss. He knows her sister has just gotten married a couple hours ago and she must have returned home with a heavy heart. Khushi draws a breath at his question, one that she has gotten used to, but one that still sends her fluttering every time she hears it.

"Hum theek hai. I was just thinking..."

"I know what you're thinking. When will we tell our families? Right?"

She senses a smile in his answer. She should have known this by now – they are completely attuned to each other's thoughts and emotions. She murmurs back a yes.

"Khushi, I think we should tell them tomorrow. If it were up to me I would have preferred tonight, but it was Payal and Akash's night, and everyone was tired. So let's call everyone here tomorrow, you and I can tell them together,"

She wants to say yes, but hesitates. "Don't you think it's too soon? Should we wait?" Her sister has just now gotten married, and she perceives everyone's reactions to be of shock since they might not see it coming.

"I understand your concern, Khushi, but Nani, Di and NK already know. Everyone else-"

"Wait, what? They know?!" She can't hide her surprise.

Arnav laughs. "Yes, they know. Why else do you think NK played that stupid game with you where you blurted out my name, or why he started flirting with you more, or why Nani and Di talked to me about you marrying NK? It was all to elicit a reaction from us,"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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