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(Chapter 19)
In search

'Normal' - Human tongue
'Dragonese' - Dragon's tongue


Author POV

Jimin had been unable to shake the discomforting feeling ever since Aife had told him of Hoseok's disappearance. As he rushed to the ring he usually used with Taehyung when they took to the skies. Taehyung was faster than Jimin and by the time the human had reached the ring Taehyung was more than half way to full shift. 

His wings splayed out and his claws and muzzle formed and his head dipped, a full shifted dragon. Jimin didn't even have to ask permission to climb upon the dragon's back, Taehyung was already shifting his side down low so Jimin could scramble up the purple scaled leg and onto the dragon's back.

They took to the skies and instead of heading out of the city Taehyung careened mid air towards the capital city, Jimin didn't question it, Taehyung knew Hoseok maybe he knew of a way to find him that was unknown to Jimin. So he allowed the dragon to guide him. 

Taehyung used gentle flaps of his wings so they were hovering rather than moving forward. His great head looked from left to right, before he let out a bellowing roar that made Jimin cover his ears at the sound of it, it was so loud it felt like it vibrated through his nervous system.

It was only moments later when something came out of seemingly nowhere, that Jimin was put on high alert. While Hoseok had become calm for him last time, that was when he was in human form and it could have been a subconscious reaction. He was unsure of how he would react now, in the sky, the domain of the dragons. 

Taehyung's head whipped around and followed where the shadow in the clouds had gone, Jimin barely had time to hold on tight before Taehyung took off after the shadow. Wings beating in a furious motion allowing them to build speed steadily as they crashed through clouds. Jimin getting damp from the moisture the clouds released each time they passed through one. He ducked his head to prevent the moisture from getting into his eyes, trusting Taehyung to find their way through. 


Jimin wasn't sure how long they flew before he was able to raise his head, soaked from head to toe from the moisture in the clouds. They were out of the city bounds that much was clear from the farmland below them as they soared. 

Jimin could now see the golden scaled dragon ahead that Taehyung was slowly gaining on, but it didn't seem that Taehyung had the intention of catching up to the other dragon. It seemed more like he was following and Jimin didn't know why that made him nervous.

"Why aren't we catching up?" Jimin yelled out, his voice battling with the wind rushing past them. 

"He is flying faster than me, Hoseok has always been faster than me" Taehyung responded.

So they knew each other well, well enough that they had flown together before, multiple times by the sound of it, well that was what Jimin assumed from the way Taehyung phrased it.

"Can we catch up?" Jimin asked.

"I can try" Jimin felt the muscles in Taehyung's back ripple as his wings began to move in faster beats, it didn't add much to their speed but they were getting closer to the golden dragon. 

Hoseok suddenly made a dive down towards the mountains Taehyung had once mentioned to be his home if Jimin remembered correctly. Taehyung caught up to where Hoseok had dived moments later, giving Jimin a warning before he made his own dive. 

They chased each other through the narrow mountain range, Jimin settling himself low to Taehyung's back so not to fall off from the fancy flying Taehyung was displaying. He was barely able to hold onto the scales on Taehyung's neck without his hands slipping due to the speed the dragon was travelling.

Jimin could only hope they would catch up or land soon.


Hoseok eventually landed on an outcrop and immediately shrunk down to half shift, his humanoid form looking up to the sky waiting for Taehyung's arrival. Taehyung followed and Jimin was quick to slip off his back and onto solid ground, ringing out his tunic that left small drops of water on the ground.

Taehyung took on his humanoid form as well, Jimin the only true human in the small group. 

"Taehyung" Hoseok practically raced over the bare rock ledge and pulled the other dragon into a fierce hug. Both having to be careful their horns didn't knock into each other as they pulled each closer. 

"We were so worried when you disappeared, I couldn't stay. I had to find you" Hoseok said as way of explanation. 

"I'm sorry, I got stranded in the storm, then the knights found me" Taehyung said in way of apology.

They rubbed their foreheads together, their horns making the occasional 'clacking' noise as they collided gently with one another. 

"I found him Hobi" the nickname was said in such a soft manner that Jimin felt like he was intruding on an intimate moment.

"Our King" both dragon's turned their luminous eyes upon the only true human. Jimin shuffled awkwardly under their piercing gazes. 

"Come we have something to show you" both Hoseok and Taehyung reached out and grabbed one of Jimin's hands each. Pulling along the human who was quite a bit smaller than both the dragons.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked out of curiosity. His voice coming through in the throaty language of the dragons.

Both dragons shuddered when they heard him speak, Taehyung had never heard Jimin so clearly before, usually their conversations were in hushed whispers in the room they shared at Cadel's home or shouted and muffled from the back of Taehyung's dragon form soaring through the skies. Hoseok having never heard Jimin speak in their tongue before couldn't help but cast his green eyes back at the human.

They continued to pull him along behind them, Jimin moving without protest. Till they finally answered him.

"To a dragon colony".


So you excited for the next chapter?

I hope you liked it.




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