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(Chapter 21)
The sworn six

'Normal' - Human tongue
'Dragonese' - Dragon's tongue


Author POV

"Whatcha doing down there?"

Jimin's head whipped up in surprise he hadn't heard anyone approach him. But here were four dragons standing above him, none of which he recognised.

But when he took a closer look he noticed the rune like brands on their foreheads and pieced together who they were. These were the final four protectors he had been informed about.

"Thinking" Jimin finally responded.

"So it is true, you really are the King" the tallest one spoke, dark brown horns tilting as he looked down at the human. 

"Apparently" Jimin muttered. 

"By the sound of your reaction I am guessing you just found out now" the dragon with coral pink horns spoke.

"Your guess would be right, I found out not 10 minutes ago." Jimin stated, his head falling back to rest against the stone wall as he let out a shaky sigh, lungs rattling with anxiety. 

"Do you not want to be our King?" another spoke brashly, he looked young. Despite the fact he knew he was the same age as the dragon, somehow the yellow horned dragon felt younger at least in the way he presented himself. 

"Its not that." Jimin paused to think of how to word this as not to offend the dragons before him.

"It is just a lot to take in, 10 minutes ago I was just a knight in training who learnt how to ride a dragon." his voice sounded strained as he spoke, a vocal reaction to the stress he could feel building up in his chest.

"Understandable" they all turned to look at the final dragon, the one who had spoken originally, cold blue eyes turned their gaze upon Jimin. 

"We all knew our responsibilities from the day we were born, you've just found out you have had less time to get used to the idea than we have." the blue horned dragon continued on from his initial statement. 

"What time is it?" Jimin looked up, he had been missing from the cave meeting for a while.

"Just became evening, the sun set while we were flying over" the brown horned dragon spoke once more, his eyes showed his intelligence as they regarded Jimin. 

"I have to get back" Jimin's eyes widened. In all of the new revelations he forgot that he needed to return to the city, he was only supposed to go for a short evening flight. Aife was going to kill him. 

Jimin scrambled to his feet, he needed to find Taehyung. 

"But you just got here" the young yellow horned dragon spoke, his head tilting and forehead creasing with his confusion. 

"I have responsibilities. I need to get back to the city tonight" Jimin's tone spoke of finality. 

While the dragons looked unhappy with this statement they allowed Jimin to slip around the corner and back into the meeting cave in his search for Taehyung. 


"He certainly isn't what I expected" Jin spoke, scratching at the base of his coral horns. 

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