{ 16: Separation. }

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He awoke from his slumber, feeling his tear stained cheeks. "Have I been dreaming again?" He sighed. He's been getting countless of nightmares and dreams, some of which are scary or some, angsty.

He looked at the digital clock on the table beside him. It was 6:30 am.

He got up from the comforts of the bed. He and China had bought a shared beach house, which was actually pretty nice and big. The view was amazing, and the sea was right beside them, and it was prerty isolated from the tourist-y spots.

Philippines peeked out of his room, and quietly walked out of the house. Hopefully he's a heavy sleeper. He thought.

He felt his feet touch the soft sand, and he walked along the coast. The only source of light being the reflected light of the moon, and the only sounds being crickets of insects and the sounds of the waves crashing onto the land.

It felt pretty soothing, it reminded him of home.

He sat down on one spot, looking up at the full moon, and looked at the billion stars in the sky. It wasnt everyday you got to see them.

He closed his eyes with a satisfied smile, taking in the calming atmosphere. He placed his arms on the sand to support his weight, and he felt a sea shell beneath his finger. "Oh!" The filipino exclaimed, as he picked it up and looked at it. It was a beautiful blue conch, though small, being pretty outweighed it.

"Morning, 阳光." A voice said, happiness and tiredness in the man's voice. Philip jumped in his spot and looked up. "China!" He was suprised of his sudden appearance. He didnt even hear or notice the chinese man come up to him. The country looked down at the conch and sat down beside Philip, wanting to grab it for a look. He wore a calming smile, and examined the conch.

"This is very pretty, it fits you. We should make a necklace out of it." China gave it back, staring into Philip's eyes. The filipino was caught off guard by the man's politeness. He's never seen China act like this, he probably noticed he thought of this because his expression was confused. "What's up?" China asked. "What- what do you mean?" Philip questioned, a bit embarrassed.

"You're staring at me pretty weirdly.." Laughing, he at the symbol in Philip's flag with a light smile. "Sorry. Its just that, Ive never seen you so.." The southeast asian trailed off, not findig the right words. "Nice? Not terrifying? Probably something I picked up from one of my relatives." China shrugged, looking away. They both sat in silence. Though, not awkward. "You know how to play ukelele?" China asked, breaking the silence. Philippines shook his head. "Well, I guess? I learned it last century when I felt a bit alone." Philip said, and China nodded, running back to their beach house without notice and word, Philip just stared at him while laughing.

He was left with nothing else to do except stare off into the distance.

China came back a few minutes later, with a ukelele in hand, and he sat next to the filipino. "Alright, play for me." He handed over the instrument, waiting expectantly. Philip's eyes widened and he laughed. "I'm not sure I can..." He said with a giggle. China rolled his eyes playfully, "I'm you can, try." He encouraged him and Philip sighed as he started strumming the strings, playing a beautiful melody. China listened intently, while looking at the Philippines as he focused on the strings. He wasnt bad, he was actually a bit good at it.

The Chinese then caught on with the melody, humming along. The filipino chuckled to himself as he heard him, and then finished playing. "Was it good?" Philip asked. "It was.. decent." China smiled, and the southeast asian bursted out laughing. China raised an eyebrow, confused on to why he was laughing.

"What?" Philip tried calming himself down, and looked at the man beside him. "You know.. I'd expected more praise. I didnt just go a few decades of boredom just for this, 'It was decent'!" He had mocked China in the nicest way possible, cracking up once more. The chinese man couldnt help but also laugh, he didnt know what he found funny, but it was the atmosphere in the scene that made him laugh.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora