{ 18: North, seriously? }

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He sighed as he had gotten off of the elevator, smiling at the other person inside it. The elevator door had closed and Philip looked around, wondering where the room was.

It had been two days since China wss taken and Philip couldnt do anything but request a meeting with America himself. It was quite easy to get one, for him atleast. Being an ally had its perks.

He thought that he should do something since North was taking to long on planning whatever he was doing. He wouldnt reply to any of Philip's calls or texts. Fortunately the filipino was patient.

He walked down the hall until he saw a door with a beautiful design on it, and saw a platter with the words; 'United States of America'. He knew this was definetly the room.

He knocked on the door, but no answer. "Hello?" He did once more, still, no answer. He sighed. "If anyone's in there, Im coming in." Philip opened the door by the door handle and walked inside. It was not that big, but big enough to fit in an office desk, and a table and chairs.

Yet, no one was in there. Philip sighed. He might aswell wait, even though he was on time.

He looked around, and wlaked over to the office desk. He was quite curious. "A little peek wont hurt.." He said to himself.

He looked at the desk, it looked pretty organized. He saw that there was a few photos hung on the wall, small ones.

He looked at a few of them, one was with America when he was younger and the United Kingdom. Philip laughed. He looked a bit cute in that picture. Another was of America, and his brothers at the beach. He smiled, kind of reminded him of when he was younger. He'd always spend time with his brothers at the beach.

More was of America and other people he had close relations with, it was kind of cool. He thought he should use this idea.

His eyes landed on one though; him and America. His eyebrows raised with suprise. "Oh?" He touched it, carefully taking it from the wall.

"I remember this.." He smiled, looking down. It was a picture of that time Philip took him on a tour to his favourite local areas. He also saw a file on the desk, he opened it to see one word. China. His eyes widened as he slipped it into his bag, who knows, this could lead to something.

The door suddenly opened.

Philip jumped in suprise and stuck the picture back on the wall.

"Philip?" They spoke. That was America. "Ame? Oh, hey!" His cheeks turned red in embarrassment. For him, being caught snooping at other people's personal belongings was a big deal.

"Oh, you saw my pictures? How do you like them?" He asked with a grin as he walked over. He wore his usual shades, a suit and a green jacket. Philip knew how much he hated wearing suits, but work calls and he was basically forced to wear them. "Err, they're cool?" Philippines said as he stared at them.

"Yeah. Anyway, you requested a meeting right?" He took of his shades, and his jacket. "Mhm." Philip nodded as he sat down on the chair infront of his office desk. "Not a formal one though, actually, I basically just wanted to chat." He said, looking at the American.

"I figured." America chuckled and sat down on his chair. "It's a bit of a coincidence that both me and you are in Hawaii at the same time, no?" He said, giving an amused look. The southeast asian gave another nod, with a chuckle. "You could say that." He folded his arms.

"Well, anyway, Ame. Ah.. how do I put this," Philip started, figuring what words to say. America looked at him with eyebrows slightly raised, and an expectant look. "I'm here for China." He bit his lip, looking down at the table.

"Huh?" America's eyes widened a bit. "Why would you be here just for him?" He furrowed his eyebrows, giving a confused look. "Its hard to explain, actually.." Philip gulped as he raised his head a bit to meet America's eyes. He wanted to tell him everything.

America tapped the table, with his full attention on only Philip. "Not long ago I-"

He was cut off to a ringtone. America's eyes diverted to his pocket. "Oh.. huh?" He took his phone out of his pocket to see the caller ID. "Important call, ah, who cares. They shouldnt be calling now anyway." America, like the american is ignore it and put the phone on the desk. He adjusted it so it looked nice and he turned back to Philip.

Philip had his lips pursed as he stared at America. "Go on," he said. Philip nodded.

"I'm not sure how long ago, memory is blurred-" He laughed before continuing, as he rubbed his neck. "But I met up with South and he told me that-"

Suddenly a loud 'boom' was heard, and they could both feel some shakes. "Agh!" Philip held onto the table. "What the heck was that!?" America's eyes widened, he got up immediantly and rushed to the window. They both could hear a plane.

Philip watched America, and carefully walked up to him. His eyes widened as he saw a jet and a large smoke cloud on the coast.

"Ame?" Philip said as carefully and slowly walked up to the window, hearing another explosion and a shock, much bigger than the other one.

"We need to get outside, right now." America said in a hurry as he grabbed Philip and ran out to the hall. "Were floors away from the ground!" Philip exclaimed in worry.

"We'll use the elevator, we need to get down immediantly." He said with a serious tone. Philip gulped as the entered inside.

They pressed the lobby button and waited in silence.

"Do you have a phone? I forgot mine." America broke the silence. Philip nodded as he took his phone from his pocket, and handed it to Ame.

He sighed as he opened the phone, and entered in a number in the contacts, and then calling someone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Yes, take down that plane no matter what. Ill be at the base in no time." America spoke into the phone. He sounded a bit irritated about something. He hung up when they arrived in the ground floor. "Here." America handed the phone back, as he took a deep breath, bracing for whats about to happen.

A few news reporters came up to America, asking questions. "Mr. US!" Someone yelled, a secretary perhaps. "We need to get to the base right now," is all they said

Philip took this chance to slip away, thankfully America didnt notice. He ran to the nearest alley.

He panted as he looked around, and opened his bag. Taking out the file, he opened it.

By now, the city has gone crazy and everyone was panicking to get to safety. Philip dialed North Korea with China's phone.

"North.. please, pick up."

"Yes?" He said.

"Ah, somethings happening in Hawaii and I-"

He stopped as he saw a tall figure standing at the end of the alley way. "Hello." North said into the phone, hanging up, and at the same time, the figure was putting the phone back into their pocket.

"North!!" Philip exclaimed, purely shocked. "You're here... explain whats happening!" He said in worry.

"You wanted help, I sent help." He adjusted his hat with a smug look, and Philip looked away, a bit ashamed. "I didnt mean to do this.." He pinched the bridge of his nose, pretty pissed off.

North Korea didnt reply, instead, he grabbed the file out of Philip's hands and examined it. "Ah. Here? Why didnt you say so? Lets go." North chuckled as he handed back the file. "Huh? You know where he is?!" Philip spoke in suprise.

"Heck yeah. I know a heck ton of places." North gestured for Philip to follow him, and they headed someplace else.

[ Lazy chapter but thank you for 5K reads <3 ]

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