Chapter 41 - Letters to Malfoy

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"But Dad-"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). It's for your own safety."

You pouted, clinging onto Snape's robe.

"(Y/n), behave. I can't deal with this anymore." Snape muttered, clearly fed up.

"It's not like Father will kill me!"

"But Death Eaters would." He said, tugging back his robe.

"And you better stay here. Don't let anyone in, don't sneak out, and if necessary, you may defend yourself."

You blinked at him, giving a slight smirk.

"No killing people, dear." He immediately added.

"Damn it."


You sighed, sitting on your bed and writing.

"There we go." You said as you closed the book.

You ran your hands over the silver lettering, marked "Riddle's Diary".

'Riddle, huh? More like his servant.' You scoffed.

You shook your head lightly and closed your eyes, putting in your headphones.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the window.

You turned to see an owl outside, flapping its wings with a piece of parchment attached to its foot.

You walked over to open the window and watched the bird fly in.


"Hello, little one. Are you hungry?"

"Hoot." The owl hooted, pecking on the string which was tying the parchment to its foot.

"For me?"

"Hoot hoot."

You took off the string for the owl and pet it lightly.

"Thank you."

You opened it and immediately recognized the handwriting.

How are you? I didn't see you at school today.
I hope you and Professor Snape aren't fighting.
He's headmaster now, and I've been awfully lonely without you. Even the Slytherins avoid me.
Potter and his gang aren't here either. Are you with them?
Gosh, I wish you were here. I miss you so much. It's very dull and scary here.
Take care wherever you are.
(P.s. Please feed my owl, thanks xxx)

You re-read the last sentence a few times.

"What do owls eat?" You asked, turning to the owl who was now perked on your chair.


"Owltreats? We don't have those here." You replied to the owl.


"Would insects do for now, love?" You asked, patting it on the head once more.

It blinked.

"Taking that as a yes." And with that, you held out a hand as it mounted on your arm as if you were a stick.

"You're a cute one, aren't you?" You giggled, bringing the owl downstairs.



"Thank you again, little one. Stay safe, alright?" You said, tying another piece of parchment onto its leg.


You watched the back of the owl as it spread its wings, soaring the sky.

"Hoot hoot to you too." You muttered, closing the window.


I'm good, hope you are too.
Hogwarts sounds like hell right now, I'd love to come back, but I can't.
I'm only half-blood. It's dangerous because some Death Eaters think I'm a muggle born.
About the Golden Trio, I haven't heard from them since mid-summer. Hope they're doing fine.
Do inform me if they show up at Hogwarts one day.
(P.s. I don't have owl treats, so I gave the cutie some insects for now. Feed your own owl yourself, ferret xxx)
Your bored as hell girlfriend,


My very pretty girl who's been missing from school,
You would not believe what happened today in class.
A Gryffindor girl nearly blew up the classroom in Potions. My robe caught on fire because of her, and now the very end of my robe is burnt!
It looks so ugly now.
What have you been up to?
Still no sign of Potter, sorry.
If the Death Eaters dare hurt you, I'll hurt them back, don't worry.
Please just come back. It's so lonely here.
(P.s. No, I will not, xxx. Please feed Hunter for me once more. Thanks, you're the best.)
Lots of love,
Your human boyfriend ,who is not a ferret, D.M.


Ferret Malfoy,
I'm sure your robe looks fine, Dray. Stop overreacting.
Nothing new here to report. I've been stuck at home for forever. Your owl delivers pretty fast, though. (Hunter is such a cutie. Do stop starving the poor little thing <3)
I read a lot of books and practiced spells, I suppose.
I'm still very much fed up with staying home. I really hope I can come to Hogwarts soon.
(P.s. Hunter is now fed. Please attach some food for him next time as I'm not allowed to leave the house and I'm running out of insects.)
The girl who feeds YOUR owl


My beautiful owl-sitter,
Spells? Shouldn't you be practicing potions? After all this, you'll have to retake Year 7 for sure. You're not passing your N.E.W.T.s if you keep failing potions.
If you want to come to Hogwarts, just come. I told you I'd protect you.
If Professor Snape isn't allowing you to, just sneak out. ;)
(P.s. Hunter seems to like you more than me. Here's the treats, by the way, xxx)
True parent of Hunter, D.M.


Ferret parent of an owl,
Hunter likes me more, no denying <3
I hate potions, don't remind me!
Gosh, I forgot about the N.E.W.T.s
Hoping this all ends soon, though, that's for sure.
(P.s. I'm not your owl-sitter. Learn to take responsibility for your own pet. It's no surprise Hunter likes me more, I'm amazing xxx)
Hunter's favourite


This went on for a while.

You and Draco would continue mailing to each other, eventually tiring out Hunter.

You've been stuck for so long.

But when Hunter suddenly disappears and you don't hear from either of them, you start to wonder if something bad happened..

- × - × - × - × - × - × - × -

A/N :
Is he dead?
Who knows <3

[] Daughter of Dark and Evil [] Draco x Reader []Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat