Chapter 46 - Her Real Identity

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Thank you!

Not as 'dangerous' as requested, because I suck at writing scenes like that, so I'm sorry :(

Still, enjoy!

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"(Y/n)! Stupefy!"

You watched the beam of light hit whatever was on your back as the weight got off your body.

"Thanks." You muttered, slowly getting back off and steadying your footsteps.

You turned to see a werewolf laying on the ground, slightly hurt, but not fully dead.

"Oh. So they do exist in the forest." You said.

"So they do." Draco added.

Then you heard another growl, and you immediately glanced at Draco.




You were out of breath as you stopped, leaning next to a tree.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. takes more than a scratch to kill me." You forced a giggled.

"I think we're safe for now. Do you want to rest before we find our way out?" Draco offered, sitting down next to the tree. "Come on, sit."

You obliged, sitting down next to the boy whilst you checked your wounded arm.

"Well, that's for sure to leave a scar."

"Here, take this." Draco said, pulling out a little handkerchief from his pockets and tying it around your wound. "It should stop the bleeding for now."

You smiled lightly at him, giving him a thank you.

"Looks like we won't be getting out anytime soon."

"Looks like we won't." You sighed. "And to think my dad thought it was a good idea to take away my wand."

Draco chuckled.

"If I weren't here, you might've been a werewolf's dinner already."

"I know."

There was a pause as the two of you just sat there under a random tree in the middle of the woods.

You realized it was honestly very dangerous, and you didn't know what to do to get yourselves out.

Then, you heard a twig break as you jolted your head up.

"This is the part where we run or we die.. right?" Draco whispered.

"I believe so."

"Come on then. Lumos." Draco lit his wand and waved it around, trying to find a passageway where you could leave.

"Oh, damn it. We really should get going." You muttered, finally feeling the presence and grabbing Draco by the hand, pulling him in a random direction.

"What's happening?!"

"I'll explain later!" You yelled, dashing through the forest.

You heard a few spells getting fired at you two as you sprinted even quicker.

Once you finally felt safe, you let go of the boy.

"What was that?!"

"I.. Death Eaters.." You murmured.

"What?! How did you know? Why are they here!"

"I.. I don't know why they're here.. but it's definitely not to save us." You sighed.

"Okay, well, HOW did you know?"

You stared into his grey-blue eyes, knowing that you had to tell him.

"Draco.. you see.."


"I'm not exactly.. (L/n)."

"I know, you're a Snape, so?"

"No, not that either."

Draco stared at you with confusion clouding his eyes.

"Draco.. I'm a Riddle."

"What? No, you're not. You're (Y/n)."

"This is as stupid as a Sirius Black joke." You muttered.

"No! Draco! I'm a Riddle!"

Draco kept the confusion in his eyes, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Oh god damn it. I'm a Riddle, (Y/n) Riddle! Daughter of Tom Riddle, daughter of Lord Voldemort!"



"That.. is a lot to take in." Draco whispered, still processing the whole backstory. "Your life sounds crazy."

"Tell me about it." You groaned, quickly breaking off into a chuckle.

"So you've been on the dark side way before I have?"

"I suppose you could say that." You replied, though knowing deep down you were still debating on who's side to be on.

Currently, you were leaning towards following your father's orders, but who knows. Betrayal is always an option. After he killed Cedric, you were mad at him for as long as you could remember and still were.

"Hey Draco?" You suddenly questioned, breaking the silence once more.

"Yeah?" Draco turned to look at you.

"..Nevermind, I'll tell you another time." You said.

"Alright then? Take your time." He comforted.

"Hold on a second-"

"What is it?"

"Dray, can't you just apparate us out of here?"

"I- oh bloody hell, why didn't I think of that!" Draco cursed under his breath.

"We're stupid." You sighed bluntly.

"Alright. Hold on." Draco said, grabbing his wand as you placed your hand on his arm.


"(Y/n)! Where were you!" Ginny wrapped her arms around you as you entered the common room.

"Uhhh, detention?"

"You got me worried sick!"

"Sorry, Gin. But hey, I'm fine!"

"Yeah.. at least you're okay." She smiled.

At least your sleeve of your robe was covering your wound.

Though you made a promise to yourself that you would pay Snape a visit the next day..

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A/N :
The book will be finished by tomorrow,
Would you like me to post daily or do it all at once so you all can enjoy the rest of this book?

Ty all of you for the crazy amount of support!

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