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Darlin', sweetheart, honey, and beautiful/handsome

Most people wouldn't even think Arthur was a nickname guy, especially the kind of guy to use such cute ones. He's the kind of guy to use these nicknames so much that you think something is wrong when he calls you by your name, and typically that is the case. Though typically if someone's flirting with you he just glares at them, then walks over and asks if you're alright.


Honey, princess/prince, and handsome man/pretty lady.

John isn't the type of guy to use nicknames that much, only when he's in a good mood or feeling especially romantic he'll use them. But that just makes them all the more special to you. He's not like the others when reminding people you're together. John has never really been subtle, after all. So instead of throwing nicknames around, if someone's getting too comfy, he'll just kiss you, and he'll kiss you until they go away.


Mrs/Mr. Van Der Linde (even if you aren't married), sweetest, and my dearest.

Of course, he uses nicknames, you haven't heard him refer to you by your name since you got together. He loves calling you Mrs/Mr. Van Der Linde, does it at least 5 times a day. Even when talking to people about you he'll call you by his last name, and you could be miles away from where he was and he would still do it. . He'll even correct people at camp sometimes, so now everyone at camp has the habit of calling you by Dutch's last name. No one around camp would even dare think of you in a romantic way, either out of fear or out of respect for Dutch.


Dear, songbird, sunshine.

Charles is more creative than the others when it comes to nicknames. He has a new nickname for you every day, but those three are the main ones. He also likes to refer to you as 'my everything'. He really is quite the romantic. Charles isn't as forward with his affection as the others. Not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he doesn't feel the need to. But if you asked, he would gladly scream from the housetops how much he loves you.


Hermosa/Hermoso, Reina/Rey, and lover.

Javier is such a romantic, and he makes sure you know it every day, and he also makes sure that everyone else at camp knows it. He's good at making everyone else at camp feel single and lonely. He likes to sing a romantic song to you when everyone gathered around the fire, to everyone else's dismay, Javier doesn't care though. He would steal the moon if you asked.


Honey, love, and dear.

Hosea is very old-fashioned, so he uses pretty classic and old-fashioned nicknames. He uses them often because he always wants to remind you how much he loves you. He doesn't feel the need to always make sure everyone knows who you're with, he trusts you and the others. Though he won't hesitate to step up when he notices someone is causing you issues. Typically that only happens when you go to the saloon though, and some drunken bastard starts getting a little too comfy.


Sweetie, hun, and baby.

Despite Kieran being quite the timid, and skittish man, he isn't afraid to let the people at camp know who you're sweet on. He always uses nicknames, especially when the other men are around. He knows he doesn't how much say in camp, and many of the men don't trust him, but they learned the hard way he doesn't mess around when it comes to you (and 'they' means Sean, Sean learned the hard way and the other boys didn't even dare smile at you for a couple of weeks after)


Sexy man/lady, babe, cutie, and handsome/beautiful.

Sean likes to flaunt these nicknames around to everyone, making sure they know who you decided to be sweet on. He loves rubbing it in some of the men's faces, to which they call you over and ask you politely to control him. Sean always finds it amusing when you have to drag him away from the others when he's feeling overly confident, or when you kick him on the shin when he's boasting about intimate things you would rather have kept secret. Every time you scold him about pestering others or sharing personal details he just giggles and reminds you that he's your problem now, and you can't help but smile at that.


Gorgeous/pretty (for either gender), perfect lady/man, and my love.

Lenny didn't even notice he started using nicknames, he just does. He probably started using them even before you two were official. As one of the youngest members in the gang, he always feels the need to remind everyone who you're with, but he's also conflicted because he always gets a little embarrassed when it comes to PDA. So he'll say or do something, before immediately regretting it and rushing away in embarrassment. The gang finds it amusing though.

This was longer than I meant for it to be. Please remind me if I missed anyone, except for Micah, I'm probably not gonna write for him very much.

I also might do the women if I'm feeling up to it, idk.

I wonder if you guys can guess my favourite yet, and if not I'm sure it'll be evident soon.

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