Part 6

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Even while working, his mind was with his son whom he has left under Aman's care in AR. Nope he wasn't worried for Arush nor did he doubt Aman capability to take care of his little one. Actually it was the other way around.

He was seriously concerned for both poor Aman and his employees whom by now must have got the dose of the real naughty side of his Arush.

He was well aware that Arush must have troubled Aman a lot for nowadays his boy was on a spree to imitate him to the tee. If anything Arush was like him already in so many ways. He was stubborn as hell and when he has his mind set on anything he wouldn't rest until he gets what he wants.

For the umpteenth time since morning he cursed his own genes which were the cause of that. No matter how much both Khushi and Arnav tell Arush that he need not copy paste his dad because he was already like him anyways but Arush won't have it.

His lips quirked up remembering the the last couple of weeks in which Arush has kept his parents on toes as well as made them shocked and laugh almost all the times at his adorable antics.

Be it that morning when Arush imitated him using his laptop and bluetooth that he sneaked out from his parents closet. Or his little one irritating him with 'Sami' and crazy dance moves like his Khushi.

Oh how he left everyone in fits of laughter with his own unique version of Khushi's 'What the' song. DARE he say he even surpassed his mother in teasing ASR.

And of course last but not the least, this morning when he shocked him dressing in a mini three piece suit like him and had done exactly what he did in his every day morning routine especially his departing kiss to Khushi. His boy was a pretty sharp observer of everything and everyone around him especially of his parents.

That led to his insistence to go with him to office and when he didn't agree his own son has made a deal with him that if he took him to AR then he would stop teasing him with that ridiculous name, Sami, only to chant the same ridiculously right after Arnav agreed; saying that there was still time for them to leave for office so he could say it till he reach there.

Arnav laughed shortly while signing off the papers making the worker before him shocked.

Did he just hear ASR laughing? As far as he knew the papers contained the detail of the problems and the solutions regarding it. Did he like his work? It boosted that employee's morale without any reason.

Arnav handed him the file and stood up to grab his things to leave leaving an enthusiastic worker behind who promised himself to work harder to get this kind of appreciation from his boss again.

Meanwhile, Arnav hopped on in his SUV and started the car with a smile intact on his face remembering the countless blissful moments with his Khushi and their adorable son over the years.

His Khushi and his little one has brought unbridled joy in his otherwise dark lonely life that he lived before being a heartless being that he was that his past betrayals forced him to be.

Not only did she make him face all his demons and helped him make peace with it but also accepted him with all his flaws, loved him unconditionally and even made him a father of such an amazing boy who has become both of their reasons to smile and live life to the fullest every single day.

He has promised himself he would cherish this happiness, them, throughout his life. He remind himself that everyday before starting his day so that he doesn't err.

Seriously he could not thank Khushi enough because words wouldn't do justice to how much she has given him even though a man like him didn't deserve it.

There wasn't any word yet discovered in any dictionary to describe his intense feelings and dedication for her.

The least he could do was to just love her with all of him and show her through his every gesture and action that he was nothing without her because even though he has improved over the years with words but still he sometimes struggled to express his emotions verbally that despite his struggle his Khushi understood without him saying it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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