Chapter Three

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Mira and I ran to the park. I saw Stella and Rusty. I waved at them. Stella looked at me and literally rolled her eyes.

Rusty smiled and waved back to me. I backed up a few feet and I fell. Right off a cliff that leads to the ocean.

"Ahh!" I screamed, water coming into my mouth. "Somebody help me!"

The waves were coming harder and harder. Then the last completely knocked me over and I smacked my head on a rock.

Voices came in and out, as I slowly drifted away into utter and complete darkness.

It felt like hours later when I finally opened my eyes. Rusty was holding me in his arms, Stella was standing to the side. She didn't look very happy.

Um, who almost drowned here? Not you, so don't get all upset that your boyfriend is taking care of me. She should be thankful I didn't die.

"Tara, can you hear me?" Mira asked, as she stepped into view.

I nodded my head, or at least I tried to. "Oh! She's ok!"

"Geez, T, way to really scare someone!" Rusty said, as he helped me up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize that I was that close to the cliff." I said, as I sat up and looked around. I was back on top of the grass, covered from head to toe in sand.

"I'm sorry about your clothes, M. I totally ruined them." I wept.

"Hey, it's ok. You can just keep them. Besides, sand isn't that hard to get out of clothes, you know. It's quite easy." She said, smiling at me.

I'm really lucky to have her as my best friend. She's the most kindest and generous person I've ever met.

"Hey, T, do you want me to grab you a towel? Because I can." Rusty said, grinning down at me.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go to Mira's house and get a nice hot shower and some different clothes on." I said, grinning back at him.

"Yeah, you're welcome." He said.

Suddenly, Stella snapped. "Rusty, are we going to eat our picnic or not? We've been sitting out here for three hours. I think we're good."

"Yeah. I guess we're good." He said. I could tell he was fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

Mira and I walked back to her house and got in the shower. Ahh, refreshing hot water.

After I was done with my shower, I wrapped my towel around my body. Then I got another one for my hair.

"Hey, can I borrow your Levi's high rise denim shorts?" I asked, as I grabbed her blue Crop Cute solid ruffle knotted rib tank top.

"Yeah, sure. Here." She said, tossing it to me.

I caught them and pulled them on and then buttoned them up. I looked at my reflection in Mira's floor length mirror.

"So, I think I'm going to need some more ideas on how to get Rusty to be mine." I said, grinning like I'd never grinned before.

"Well, I'm your girl." She said, grinning back at me.

Stella better watch out for us; we're the Twister Twins. And we're ready to turn Stella's life upside down.

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