Chapter Four

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When I saw Stella the next day, all I can say is how mad she looked.

"What was that you pulled yesterday? I'm not stupid, you know." She said, glaring at me. "You act so different, every time that my boyfriend, Rusty is around."

"Me, different? No, I act like myself. It's you who's acting so different."

Mira ran up, snow cone in hand, with a smile on her face. "Hey, guys. What's happening?"

"What's happened is that Tara is no longer my best friend. She is trying to steal Rusty away from me."

Mira rolled eyes, but we both know it's true. I mean, I'd obviously never tell Stella that, though. "And you know this how?" Mira asked, frowning.

"Have you not seen the way she acts, every time he's anywhere near her?" Stella responded, glaring at her.

"Have you not seen the way YOU act, every time he's around?" Mira retorted.

"That's different. I'm his girlfriend. Tara, however, is not."

"That doesn't mean anything. All you do whenever you, me, and Rusty hang out is make fun of me."

"Ok and? I can do whatever I want to do." Stella said, smirking at us.

"No, you can't." I said, and walked away from her. "Can you believe her? She's actually trying to pin this on me!"

"Let's just go to In 'N' Out! I'm starving!" Mira rubbed her stomach and licked her lips.

"Me too. Let's go." I said, getting on my aqua blue bike. We rode our bikes instead of walking today.

When we arrived at In 'N' Out, as soon as we walked in, I saw Rusty and a few of his other friends.

His friends are Jake Bailey, Micah Jennings, Matt Jacobs, and Gabe Daniels.

We sat down at the booth behind them after we ordered our food. When they called our order number, Mira went up and got it.

I got a double double with animal style fries and so did she.

"Hmm," I said, as I bit into my burger. "This is so yummy."

"Yeah, it is. Tara, I'm so glad we came here." Mira stuck her fork in her box of fries. "These are so good."

"Hey, T." A male voice called out from behind us.

I turned around and saw Rusty and Jake Bailey, smiling at me.

"Hey, Rus." I said, smiling back at him.

"Have you seen Stell today? She won't return any of my texts or calls. So, I'm a little worried."

"Don't be. She's at the beach with Bailey James, and Bailey's boyfriend, Josh Greene." I said, but then I saw how mad that made him.

"Josh Greene? As in the boy Stella used to date, Josh Greene?" He asked.

"Yeah. I guess so. Sorry, R." I said, frowning.

Then he began to pull me towards where the beach is. When we arrived, I saw Stella and the others from where we were standing.

She looked over at us, watching us intensely. Then something happened that I never thought would ever happen: Rusty kissed me.

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