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the frankel footage

✩  °  .  *  .  °  ✩

sebastian woke up on a cell floor.

he groaned and rolled over, rubbing his eyes. someone above him shook his shoulder.

"wake up, kid," a man said. he sounded far away and faint. sebastian scrunched up his face and shook his head wearily.

"seriously," the voice continued, shaking harder.

sebastian gave in and opened his eyes. the man above him swore and moved his hand away. seeing the hurt on the boy's face, he relaxed and apologized sheepishly.

"sorry, i just wasn't expecting...anyway, how are you feeling?"

he shrugged and sat up. he saw a few other people in the cell with them, all various shades of brown. there was another cell beside them, full of snow white skin.



"i'm raymond," the man continued. he helped sebastian join him on the bench and shook his hand. "you are?"

sebastian pointed to his neck, then shook his head.

"oh, got it," raymond chuckled. "just like al...well never mind. you have someone who can bail you out?"

he shrugged, then nodded side to side. he hoped so.

he was distracted by a familiar voice quoting shakespeare.

"heavy is the head that wears the crown," klaus sighed. sebastian turned around and knocked on the bars, a smile spreading across his face.

"yes..? sebastian!" klaus mirrored his smile and looked to his right, where unknown to raymond, ben sat.

you quoted shakespeare wrong, but it's great to see you anyway, the scarred boy teased.

"i'm sorry, you know each other?" raymond asked, confused.

"oh yeah, me and the little monster here go wayyy back," klaus chuckled. "he's my brother's...best friend."

"small world," the other man remarked. he extended a hand through the bars. "i'm raymond."


"i assume you are..." he looked at sebastian, then back to klaus. "...sebastian?"

he nodded and saluted with a smile.

"why are you even here, kid?" he asked him.

someone called the cops on me for 'assaulting' someone, which is ridiculous! i barely hit the idiot, and he could have done much worse to me with a flick of the wrist.

klaus translated his response for raymond, or rather ben translated and klaus repeated what he said. when he was done he gasped.

"oh my god, was it luther?"

sebastian blinked. how'd you know?

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