𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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♪ I'm trying hard to let go
It comes and goes in waves
And carries us away ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I was blindsided. I thought she missed the party because she didn't like parties. But she actually just didn't like parties where I am present. I quickly understood my presence was a disturbance so I kept my distance. I watched as Saturday and Sunday morning she stopped by to talk to Olivia who saw the act as the best part of her day.

And then I saw her and Lando. A gorgeous couple. Both were born in 1999, and both are very friendly, funny, and light-hearted. Good people in general, with a lot in common and matching personalities. Yet, here I am watching as he leaned to kiss her and I thank god for the door frame in front of me. I was hating it and I didn't even want to hear what was being said. I am happy for them.

Do I still have a crush on her? The feeling is starting once again and we will keep being platonic because we would never match. She is warm, I am cold. She is friendly, I am more closed up. She is funny and I only do shitty jokes. I know it. I landed in Saudi Arabia and did my life as I would usually do.

"Is it Claire again? I saw the pictures of both of you all over social media. People are getting confused" Daniel says as we were waiting for our interviews.

"I don't like her, that is long gone. We are friends" I say looking around and he laughs.

"At least pretend to look at me. I can tell when you lie. Do you know Lando likes her too right?" He says and I finally look at him and nod.

"I'm glad he does. It makes sense. Same age, same personalities, and interests. They are great together. I am rooting for them"

"Bullshit. It should've been you. You two get along great. Look at how she treats Olivia. Olivia loves her, and she rarely likes women. You only see good things about another person. People don't date to find the male copy of themselves. They date to find someone who completes them. That is the goal" Daniel says clearly annoyed and I shrug.

"I'm not putting myself in those things. I have a daughter to take care of, I'm not fighting for her feelings. He won already. I saw them kissing, they are together" I say uninterested and he laughs.

"They are not together. Believe me, I would know. Lando would brag about it. Someone told you the wrong version. Just be yourself, there is no need to fight or whatever. If it's meant to be then it will be. Listen to me for once" Daniel says and finally gets called so he leaves.

"He is right though" I hear Charles say and look back startled. Shit, has he been here the entire time?

"I didn't know you were here. I would never talk about your sister if I knew you were listening" I say feeling guilty and he laughs.

"I would prefer you didn't but I know you used to like her. And I wanted it for her, you were both too young but now we are all at a good age to let things go and see if feelings arise. She is not taken, and neither are you. There is no need for avoidance and all those things" Charles says calmly and I just listened.

"What about Lando? Because I don't find it mentally healthy to create feelings for someone in a relationship or committed to another person emotionally" I say and he laughs.

"They are not together but I know he invited her on a date and she said she would think about it. She has been avoiding him since we got here, she doesn't want to say no and hurt his feelings. I know we are rivals and we should hate each other but I know what I saw when you were younger and I know what I am seeing now. You should give it a try, slowly but steadily a strong relationship will grow" He says and I was almost believing it.

"I will think about it, I have to think about Olivia too. I can't just decide that I want to experience love. I have a child to raise, a work that requires a lot of my time, a lot of training, interviews, marketing, and all that. I don't think I'm in the position for a relationship" I say and he shrugs.

"You will never know if you don't try it. But my sister has something other women won't have. She knows you. She knows your daughter, they like each other. She always finds some time for herself, she can help you and she can travel around with you because she will probably be working in of the teams. There is everything on your side right now. This is the year you should try it" Charles says while I listened carefully.

"Why are you telling me this? You could just be happy about her and Lando, he is a great guy too" I say and he shakes his head.

"I know Claire, Lando is not the man she needs. They are too similar and that is not always good. She needs someone different. I think that even if it doesn't work, you two would learn a lot from each other. There is nothing to lose" He says and I start to think about it.

"Thank you for this. I have to get going" I say and he nods.

I had to think about it thoroughly because Olivia would get attached and I don't want her to be heartbroken when Claire leaves. Nobody wants to be a mom at 22, especially from a child that isn't theirs, I understand it, this is my job. I am her father and I have to protect Olivia at all costs. If she gets attached to Claire it will be like losing her own mother because she won't remember being abandoned as a newborn but she will remember this.

After avoiding Claire for a few days we finally found each other in the most unexpected way. She was in the motorhome, in my room, nobody was there, not even Olivia. What is she doing here then?

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now