𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 39

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♪ A kiss on the forehead, a date night
Fake an apology after a fight ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I won. Charles got 6th but I won and Mercedes got second and third. I got out of the car and neither Claire nor Olivia were there. I found it odd but once I didn't see Christian there I knew something was off. He always showed up, especially when I won. I hugged the few that were there and did the interview. On the podium, there was no sign of them. I got down from it and went to the media pen.

"DAD! DAD" I hear Olivia's desperate screams and I stop in my tracks. Charles who was coming my way also seemed worried.

"What's up baby? Did you get hurt?" I ask when I saw how much she was crying, she seemed fine but she was a mess emotionally.

"Mommy is dead. Mommy is not okay. I don't want to lose mommy" She cries into my arms and everything completely stops when I see Christian approaching, his face told me that something had definitely happened.

"What the fuck happened to my sister? Why am I just knowing now?" Charles asks clearly angry and worried.

"She will be okay, she is in the medical center. She passed out in the garage. We couldn't tell you, you know it" Christian says looking for some comprehension but I wanted to punch him. I would've done it if my daughter wasn't crying in my arms.

"I had 65 points ahead of the next person in the championship. You should've told me this was happening. Are you seeing the state of my daughter? You have a wife and kids, you should've put yourself in my shoes. This is just unacceptable" I say picking Olivia up.

"I will meet you there, I need to warn Lorenzo and Arthur" Charles says running off.

"I'm sorry Max. It was like 2 laps before it ended, it wasn't worth it to ruin it for a few minutes" He says following me.

"I don't care. I am not going to the interviews, deal with it. I am not going to the press conference too" I say decisively as I walked to the medical center.

"I will take care of it" He says and I knew he stopped following us.

"Is mommy really going to be alright? Is he lying?" Olivia asks while trying to wipe her face. She was sobbing so hard that it was breaking my heart.

"Can you calmly tell me what happened?" I ask helping her clean her tears and she nods.

"Mom was not okay, she was sad and she was distracted so I tried to cheer her up. But she fell to the floor and didn't wake up. I called for her and I tried to pick her up but she never moved" She explains as tears were starting to fill her eyes up again.

"Hey" I say as the nurse saw us and she smiles.

"You are here for Claire. She is fine, her blood pressure dropped. Probably a symptom of stress" The nurse explains as she took her to the room where Claire was.

"Mommy!" Olivia says excitedly almost throwing herself on the ground to run to Claire's arms as she sat on the bed with a small smile.

"Hello, my love. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but I am fine" Claire says as she strokes my daughter's hair and Olivia just smiles.

"I love you Mom" Olivia says as she hugged her once again.

Claire got out a few minutes later. Her brothers were getting there as we prepared to leave.

"What happened?" Arthur asks as he looked her up and down.

"My blood pressure dropped, I got dizzy and I passed out. It happens. I am a bit stressed today" She says making space between them and her. They were almost glued to her.

"Go get some rest, we will call you when we get to the hotel" Charles says clearly sensing the tension between us.

"I will take us back to the hotel" I say only looking at her when I knew she was distracted, she seemed fine. The nurse said she hadn't gotten hurt from the fall so that is good.

In the hotel, I took a shower and once I came back I saw that Olivia already slept which didn't surprise me.

"What is stressing you?" I ask to Claire who was sitting on the bed facing the floor emotionlessly.

"Nothing much. I just don't feel good today" She says looking at me with a tired expression and I nod.

"I went to look for you and heard you with someone in my driver's room. I need to know whatever there is for you to tell me" I say as I watch her face drop and she gets as pale as the white sheets beneath her.

"I- Shit. Why didn't you tell me then?" She asks clearly stressed and I laugh, a bitter laugh but one nevertheless.

"A last kiss and a last I love you are pretty good. In whose dick did you accidentally fall into?" I ask crossing my arms and her jaw drops while she clearly was a nervous wreck.

"Fucking hell" She mutters as she got up.

"Will you not tell me? Who was it? Because there is only one meaning for falling on a dick by accident" I insist and she was visibly shaking.

"I need time and space. I am going to another room or to share with my brothers" She faces the floor as she turned her back to me but the last emotion on her face was guilt and fear, mostly guilt.

"That would be for the best. I think this is more than time and space that's needed. You know I can't forgive cheating. That is a no for me. This is over Claire" It comes out confidently but I was breaking inside. I wanted her to just tell me it was a lie. I wanted her to have a reason for what I'd heard but the silence told me everything.

"I need to talk to someone, can you give me until tomorrow morning before breaking it off? I just want us to have a conversation before it inevitably happens"

"Be my guest. That's the least I deserve" I say sitting on the bed and I watch as she left.

Tomorrow morning will not be fun and I will not sleep tonight.

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now