Chapter 22

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The imperial doctor is checking on Hua hua everyone is very worried and outside Hua hua's room praying for her ..

Huángdì "Don't worry Zhang 'er She is a blessed girl she will be alright"

Wang Zhang is just to depressed to talk he just nodded, his inside is in a storm his whole world is like going to fall all he is thinking about Hua hua's cheerful voice and sweet moments , he can't stop thinking about her and praying for her ...

Doctor came out

Wang Zhang immediately rushed toward him

Doctor Jiang " Don't worry Rong Yun miss is out of danger " by hearing those words everyone become very happy but doctor Jiang added " but "
Wang Zhang with a little anger " Just tell everything in one don't let us hang in tension !!"

Doctor Jiang " actually Rong Yun miss's heart become very very weak I'm afraid any kind of emotional breakdown can cause her heart attack in future not only that as it's her second time meeting such a big accident I'm afraid in future it will be very tough for her to bear child for __" Wang Zhang cut him off " Who want child ? I just want her to be safe and sound "

Huángdì"As long as Yun Yun is fine than all is fine "

Prime Minister Rong" Yes Huángdì your right ...I also just want my daughter to be safe and sound "

After sometime everyone leave from there as everything is in mess and Huángdì and prince' s need to take care of the situation....

In room

There are only Wang Zhang, hua hua , prime Minister were there
Prime Minister Rong" 6th prince now we are alone here can you tell me who is this girl ??" By pointing at Hua hua

Wang Zhang become shocked but tried his best to hide his feelings

" Father -in -law why are you saying this ??"

Prime Minister Rong" My Yun Yun is not a girl who will sacrifice so much for anyone not even for Huángdì!! And this girl went to Guangzhou for you than came back to Chang'an , plot so many things in advance to defence the palace and even she protect Huángdì with her own life !!" He added " My Yun Yun is not like this !! she is not Yun Yun !! tell me the truth who on earth she is ??" In a rage ~~

Wang Zhang " Actually she is Hua hua " with a hesitant voice ~~

Prime Minister Rong" Than where is my Yun Yun??"

Wang Zhang" let me explain you the whole thing!!" ....Wang Zhang explain everything in details ~~after hearing all this prime Minister Rong is heartbroken can't help but burst into tears Wang Zhang console him by saying "From the day Hua hua opened her eyes she is always treating you like her own father , she is always treating the whole prime Minister Manor like her own family father -in -law !! "

Prime minister Rong get close to Hua hua and Patt her head " Daughter from now on Your are my real daughter as for Yun Yun I can only pay her back in next life !! " He asked" what's her name ??" With a little teary eyes

Wang Zhang" Hua hua "

Prime Minister Rong smiled a little" Rong Hua , from now on she is Rong Hua she don't need anyone else name "

Wang Zhang smiled as from now on Hua hua can use her own name " Thank you father-in-law for understanding her "

Prime Minister Rong " It's all fate we can't do nothing just except as it is by the way I like her as my daughter haha "

Wang Zhang also smile!!!

After some time prime Minister went outside as Hua hua is still unconscious

Wang Zhang sit beside Hua hua and he is smiling like a silly " Niang Zi I'm here !!"
He kissed her forehead and just starring at her like he has many things to told and do he is just waiting for her to wake up Wang Zhangs eyes is full of love for her ~~~
Suddenly he is feeling a heavy pain inside him , he is squishing his chest with hand as the pain is very sharp he moarn in a low voice  " Aaahhh!!'' And vomited  black blood ~~~

Wang Zhang internall " I was Poisoned !!"

He got panicked and quickly called someone

Guard came inside and get shocked when he saw blood near Wang Zhang °°° he immediately get on his knee and asked" 6th prince do I need to call imperial doctor??"

Wang Zhang" Don't panic ask someone to clean it don't inform anyone for now "

Guard in a little panicked tone " Okk 6th prince!!"

Wang Zhang looked at Hua hua with a worried look ~~

Another room

After taking Wang Zhangs pulse Dr Jiang is just so worried that he even can't able to say a word

Wang Zhang " What happened?? Can I be cured ??"

Jiang " Ac..tually !!"

Wang Zhang" What ??"

Jiang by making exhausted facial expression" Aiyoo can't hold on anymore!!! The poison you have on your body is a very deadly poison it's Gu poison!!!"

Wang Zhang" Than what about its cure ??" With a curious look

Jiang" In our place no one can cure it !!"

Wang Zhang become very heartbroken and sad

Jiang" But only one can cure it "

A glimps of hope Wang Zhang" Who ??"

Doctor Jiang "Fei Xin doctor of Grassland tribe "

Wang Zhang sighed " That's mean in this life I can't grow old with My Hua hua "

Dr Jiang is a little amazed after he listens this name and said " Don't get disheartened prince I will try my best to get that prescription "

Wang Zhang" Don't !! otherwise it can lead misunderstanding between two states "

Dr Jiang with panicked look " But we can't just "Wang Zhang cut him off Wang Zhang" Don't talk anymore just give some medicine which can surpess this poison for time being "

Dr Jiang with a sad face " okk than I will send the medicines in your manor "

After that Wang Zhang walkout from the room and Fang Xia asked

Fang Xia " Prince let's go to grass land "

Wang Zhang " Silly we Just can't go there like this the reletion between two states is always bad if we just showed up there it will cause war than our people have to suffer, we can't do this "

Fang Xia in a distressful expression "but your life !!"

Wang Zhang " My life is not more important than so many peoples life ...just leave everything to faith "

Fang Xia with a sad face " But ! "

Wang Zhang " No but now listen I'm going to divorce Rong Yun "

Fang xia " Prince what are you saying!!!'' with a expression like he is struck by lightning ~~

Wang Zhang " I'm going to die do you want her to be my widow at such a young age ??"

Fang Xia " But Yun miss will never agree if she know you are poisoned"

Wang Zhang " Who is going to tell her ? If anyone dare I will cut off his tongue ~~"


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