the heart thief - |13|

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           My mum was a nuisance.

           As I drove down the familiar street toward my childhood home, my heart pounded with anxiety. My mind raced with troubling thoughts about mum. Was she safe? Was she sick? A million questions, all unanswered. When I reached the front door, I realized I had forgotten my key. I had rushed out of my apartment unprepared because my mother wasn't picking up my calls, which was unusual for her even when she was at work. I was blessed with a parent who was always there in my life — always filling up my space with her presence, and honestly, I couldn't have gone through everything that I did without her support. I reminded myself that even though she could sometimes annoy me or bother me, she had always been there for me, and I wouldn't be where I was today without her help. Therefore, I made it a point to be there for her whenever she needed me.

           As I stood in front of the locked door, I recalled that mum was particularly protective of her privacy, so I wasn't confident that she would have kept an extra key. However, I decided to check under the plant and was surprised to find a key hidden there. I used it to unlock the door and pushed it open with force, causing it to almost slam against the wall. The living room was dimly lit, and my eyes quickly scanned the area.

           "Mum!" I called out, my voice betraying the desperation I felt inside. There was no response. Despite not having visited my home frequently, everything appeared to be exactly the same. It was as if time had stood still in my home, with the wallpaper and furniture retaining the same shades and styles as before.

           I called out for my mum once again, placing my bag on the couch before making my way to the living room. I found the room to be empty. I quickly checked upstairs and then rushed to the kitchen, my footsteps echoing through the quiet house. "Mum!" I called out, my voice rising with urgency, but there was no response. As I approached the backyard, the fragrance of fresh flowers filled my senses, and I felt a sense of warmth and comfort envelop me.

           When I pushed open the back door, my eyes frantically searched the garden for any sign of her. I finally spotted her bent over a bed of roses, carefully pruning away dead branches and leaves. Her dark hair was tied up in a messy bun, and her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, revealing her strong and weathered arms. Seeing her amidst the blooming flowers brought back memories of her sitting cross-legged on the ground with her back to me, wearing a hat to block the sun from her eyes. The sight of her, healthy and happy, lifted the weight off my chest and brought immense relief.

           I approached. "Mama, did you not hear me calling you?"

           As soon as my mother heard my footsteps and voice, she turned around, and her eyes lit up with joy. "Millie!" she exclaimed, a broad smile spreading across her face. "I'm sorry, honey. I must have lost track of time while tending to my plants." She stood up and embraced me, enveloping me in a warm and comforting hug. The familiar scent of her perfume made me feel at ease.

           I sighed. "I called you so many times, but you weren't picking up. Being alone in the house, I was worried you had collapsed or something."

           She laughed and patted my arm. "You worry too much, darling, but it's good that you're here. I was about to call you to give you a surprise."

           My brows drew together. "Surprise?" I groaned. "Mum, I swear if it's another blind date, you'll be the one going in my place."

           I noticed her glancing toward the house, and her expression changed from joy to excitement. Curious, I followed her gaze and spotted a figure approaching us — it was my dad! I was shocked and couldn't react at first. I hadn't seen my father in months, and my heart leaped with excitement at the sight of him.

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