the heart thief - |21|

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It was after hours. Everyone had gotten off work thirty minutes ago. The office only had one light turned on, which was the one directly above my desk. I was seated with my legs stretched out on the desk and one hand twirling around the pen in my hand. The computer in front of me was turned on, but I wasn't paying much attention to it. I had zoned out, thinking about the decision that I made on a whim.

After declaring war with Alex, the whole office seemed to know about it and it instantly became a topic on who was going to win. The majority of them seemed to have given up or reminded themselves they had a chance, but they were only betting on either me or Alex; though, the majority of them voted for him. Gavin was a mess after the news. He became irritated. Although he didn't confront me about it, the little things he did made me think he was angry. I never expected him not to be, and I didn't care. Just the thought of becoming his boss and having to escape his torment made me feel less regretful about my decision. It's enough to make me smile every few minutes.

I jumped to my feet, startled, as I realized someone was standing beside me, arms crossed and jacket draped over his shoulder. His piercing gaze met mine, and I couldn't help but notice the pale, flawless skin peeking through the unbuttoned few buttons of his white shirt.

"Now, why do you have an evil smile on your face? I feel sorry for whoever put that on you," he remarked softly, studying my expression. "or are you thinking of backing out? I was sure you made that decision without thinking."

A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I instinctively brushed my hair away from my forehead, fidgeting with the strands. I settled back in my chair, leaning back slightly to exude confidence. Raising an eyebrow at Roman, I held his gaze. "It's too late now. I'd look like a coward if I did. I'd rather preserve my pride."

He chuckled, genuine amusement lighting up his face. His eyes crinkled at the corners as a smile tugged at his lips. "So, what were you up to? Why haven't you gone home?"

I leaned forward, my posture shifting slightly as I maintained eye contact. With a playful tone, I asked, "And if I tell you I was waiting for you?"

His laughter softened, his head tilting slightly to the side. He leaned in, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I'd know you're lying because it wouldn't be that simple."

I tilted my head in response, my gaze unwavering. "What if I want to show my boss that I'm a hardworking employee who works late and is always the last to leave?"

Roman leaned back, a small grin playing on his lips. "Then I'd tell you not to try too hard because your boss is already impressed."

"Well, maybe I just enjoy the office at night. It's quiet, peaceful. Gives me time to think."

"Is that what you're doing? Thinking?"

"Yes, reflecting on my choices, my goals, my friendship with my boss," I emphasized the last part with a playful smirk, shrugging nonchalantly. "Trying to map out my next move."

Roman's curiosity sparked as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, mirroring my posture. "And have you figured it out yet? Your next move?" Roman's gaze was intense, his eyes searching mine. "You're brave, you know. Taking risks, striving for something more." His words held an underlying meaning, resonating within me and striking a chord that reverberated through me.

A mix of emotions welled up inside me, and in a moment of vulnerability, I whispered, "And you, a coward, right?"

There was a fleeting moment of tension as my words hung in the air. His smile faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered, pretending as if the comment hadn't affected him. Instead, he smoothly shifted, pulling a chair closer to my desk, deliberately bridging the gap between us. He sat down beside me, our legs brushing against each other. Leaning on the desk, he propped his elbow up and rested his cheek on his palm, studying me.

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