1. Departure

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A cold chill rushes through me and I jolt awake, pulling myself up from the warm, welcoming grass. I survey the land as I roll my neck.

The plants... have a mystical aura around them.

I place my hand on two trees to prop myself up to stand.

There's a current in this one.

I peer up the tree and spot a serpent gazing into the distance.I too look into the distance and find forms whispering to one another. I crouch down and crawl closer to listen in.

A woman's voice is heard first. "We're naked?"

"Use this to cover yourself."

My eyes flicker up to a man handing the woman a cover made from leaves.

The woman grasps the man. "Love, we can't hide this forever... He'll know...He always knows."

"I'll handle it when it happens."

At the sound of soft steps approaching, I take cover in the bushes.

"Adam, why is Eve covered?"My eyes follow the voice to a bright shining light. I shove my head into the ground, shielding my eyes from the sweltering sight.

"She was cold?" My ear pressed to the ground I hear the soft crinkle of leaves as the male shifts his weight from side to side.

"What do you mean, the garden is always warm for you two?"

"I--it's because we're n-n-naked." The woman whispers.

The Light's voice hardens. "Naked? Who told you that you were naked? Who said that anything to be ashamed of ?"

The male remains silent and the female hums to the male as she tugs on his leaved garment.


"Yes, Father." The woman whispers.

After a few moments of heavy silence, the woman continues. "Azazel told me that I too could be God if I ate the fruit but when I ate it I only felt shame. I went to Adam and told him what Azazel made me do and he thought I lied so he too consumed the fruit."

"Why would you listen to someone who's here because he too tried to be God? As you know you can not remain in Eden, depart from me!"

The bronze gates rush open at the great gust of wind sent from what only could be assumed to be God.The man and the woman are thrown out into the abyss of the great desert and the gates slam shut.

The Light moves toward the serpent and the serpent tilts his head to the side. "Azazel come down!" The Light orders as I wiggle closer to the scene.The serpent, Azazel descends from the tree before a gold aura encapsulates him as he shifts into an angel.

He's an angel?

"What the fuck did you think he was?"

Clearly not a damn angel, I never heard of him!

"That's Lucifer's first name dumbass!"

Azazel Lucifer...it's beautiful...divine if you think about it.

My eyes take in the figure before me.

"He the one born from nothing will be graced with the highest beauty."

Born from nothing? What does that mean?

"You'll learn soon."

The angel rolls his neck as his chiseled features are caressed by the sun."You called." His bored tone dripped with pure arrogance.

Does he dare to challenge God?

"You've defied my word, defiled my terrain, and dare to stand before me in such arrogance.Was condemning you to here not enough?!"

The beautiful creature scoffs. "Condemn me to here?" He pauses while his perfect features shift into a scowl. "Condemn me to here?" His voice deepens. "You've condemned me when chose them over us!"

"I have love for everyone."

His face reddens. "No, you don't. You didn't acknowledge us after your first trial."

First trail? What does he mean?

"Adam and Eve weren't the first humans created."


"Use your head? If Adam and Eve were the first humans created how could Ezekiel be the angel of death? Adam and Eve were just the first two people to ever be made and live their lives in paradise, Eden, instead of on Earth."

That means what we learned in Sunday school wasn't right.

"It's not that it isn't right it's just all you've known since Azazel stole some parts."

Chiseled beauty scoffs once more. "But God doesn't make mistakes."

There's more to that than what you're leading on Rachel. He said "But God doesn't make mistakes and he said "first trial" why did it have to be more than one trial?


I'm starting to think you're full of shit Rachel.

"Now you know, why I had to do it."

The angel steps closer to The Light. "You didn't have to do anything, be honest, you wanted to. Anything that doesn't fit your vision you-"

"Quiet!" The Light roars.

"Nothing I said was a lie, you can't take criticism so you paint me to be a lair."

What does he do with the ones that don't fit his vision, Rachel?

"It's complicated."

We have time.

I wait a few moments for her to respond.

You're going radio silent on me again? That's fine.

"You'll spend an entirety in the lake of fire."

"You'll burn me for entirety because I dare to have an opinion of my own because I can see through your bullshit! You'll have to war with me for that!"

"Depart from me!"

"Already was on my way out."

The angel forces his pure gold wings out and takes off.

What was he talking about? I have to get close to him.

Eden & The Great Before Books III & IV of the Creation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now