Chapter Four: A Dark Dance

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    "I'm your future queen, Alarik. Show me a little respect." Celeste's words ring in my ears.
    "Does anyone in this god-forsaked place know how to knock?" Alarik demands.
    "Aw, come on." Celeste sighs, "The night is over. Leave this used-up toy and spent time with a real woman instead." Celeste locks her arms around Alarik's neck, and something painful twists in my gut. Celeste looks at me expectantly. She wants to see my reaction.
    "Uh, Master, congratulations on your wedding." I say, looking up at him. Alarik rolls his eyes.
    "There's no wedding. We are not engaged." Alarik pulls Celeste's arms off of him and she huffs.
    "Well, not yet. But we will be, after tonight." She shrugs, "Speaking of, half the castle's asking for you. It seems you've neglected some of your preparations." Alarik grits his teeth as Celeste kisses him on the cheek.
    "Come, slave. Seems we have business to attend to." He sighs.
    "Leave her here. I'll go with you." Celeste says, placing a hand on his arm.
    "No." Alarik says firmly. He sweeps out of his chambers at an alarming pace, leaving Celeste behind. I run to catch up with him.
    "So, you're going to propose to her?" I ask, falling into step with him.
    "No." Alarik says firmly, "She's the last woman I'd propose to. But she is one of several dragons vying for my hand. I have to choose one tonight at the ball."

    "Tonight?" I ask, "That sounds convenient. You can take your pick." Alarik shakes his head.
    "'Convenient? Not the word I'd use." What does he mean?
    Alarik steps into a room where several tailors take his measurements while I stand awkwardly in the doorway. After a while, he beats them off. When he reaches for the door, I move to follow him, but he stops me.
    "You stay here. I have... other things to deal with." I open my mouth to protest, but he shoves me into the arms of the tailor.
    "Take her measurements, too. I want her shining tonight." Alarik commands. The tailor bows his head.
    "Yes, Your Grace." Alarik leaves, and I stare after him as the dragons measure me from head to toe. He's hiding something from me. What is it?

    Finished with their work, the tailors shuffle out of the room, locking it behind them. But they leave something behind: a small sewing needle on the ground. That wasn't very smart. I pick the needle up off the ground and drop to my knees in front of the door handle, picking the lock. Come on... just a little more... The lock finally gives way. But just as the door opens, someone steps in the doorway.
    "What are you doing?" I swallow nervously as Alarik scowls down at me.
    "Trying to escape." I say, stating the obvious.
    "You're honest, at least." He sighs, pulling me to my feet.
    "When I leave you alone, I expect you to stay put." I think he'll squeeze my wrist until it breaks, but he gently turns it over, placing two fingers upon it.
    "Wh-what are you doing?" I ask.
    "As I suspected." He nods to himself, "Your pulse is weak." He runs his thumb over the fresh scrapes and cuts I got during the hunt, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
    "You realize you haven't eaten anything since you got here?" He asks. The minute he says it, I feel it. My stomach aches and my head throbs. Oh god... A wave of lightheadedness falls over me and I sway dangerously on my feet. Luckily, Alarik keeps me steady. He leads me to a small couch against the wall, lowering me to sit. There, in front of me, is a platter of steaming, savory food. I blink in surprise.
    "You... brought this for me?" I ask. Alarik nods.        
    "Yes. I know it's not much, but it's what I could smuggle from the kitchens." So that's what he was doing while I was trying to run from him...
    "But why?" I ask, thinking back to how Xander treated Lillian, "I'm just your slave."
    "Have you forgotten?" Alarik asks, "You're also my mate." The mark on my arm pulses at his words. I meet Alarik's piercing eyes over the sizzling plates of food.
    "I won't allow you to starve. Eat." He commands. I don't even think as I dig into the food, eating quickly as Alarik watches with his arms crossed over his chest.

    Just as I finish, there's a knock at the door.
    "It's almost time, Your Highness." The tailor says, poking his head in. Alarik's familiar stoic demeanor returns as turns to the door. I follow, licking the remains of the food off of my fingers. When we arrive back at his chambers, we're met with an array of stunning fabric, cascading like an iridescent rainbow across the room.
    "I've never seen dresses like these." I mutter, "They look like real silk."
    "They are." Alarik says. I turn to look at Alarik, and my breath catches. His black, suit clings to every curve of his muscular frame, accentuating the power and grace of his body. Alarik smoothes his hand over the gold brocade of his jacket, sighing heavily.
    "We both need to wear our clothes like armor tonight." He says, "Xander seems to be locked on you. He suspects something between us." Alarik drifts to the bandage that covers my Dragon's Mark. I shiver when he drags a finger over it.
    "...Why do you have to choose a wife tonight?" I ask slowly.
    "Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" Alarik asks. I scoff.
    "I'm just concerned for myself." Alarik nods.
    "I suppose it does affect you. My queen will be your owner as well."
    "Exactly." I nod, "But it doesn't seem like you even want a queen." Alarik turns away, but not before I catch the grim expression on his face.
    "I need to bear an heir. Before..." His words trail off and he sakes his head, looking me up and down with renewed fire in his eyes.
    "It's time you choose a gown. I'd prefer it to be long." He says, changing the subject.
    "Why?" I ask.
    "Slaves are treated like accessories at events like this." Alarik explains, "Forced into revealing pieces. I'd rather you look... different. More like an honored guest." He smirks, "You are the king's slave after all." He eyes a rose gold gown that spills all the way to the floor.
    "Dignity, refinement, beauty... You're capable of all these things." He says, "I want women like Celeste to see that and cower in your shadow." He wants Celeste to be threatened by... me? I move toward the dress, but a different one catches my eye. Peeling off my overworn hunting clothes, I step into the pool of glittering, red fabric. The dress curls around my body like liquid crimson, its sparkling diamonds dancing in the candlelight.
    "I'm dressed, Alarik." I say with a laugh, "You can turn around." Alarik turns to look at me. When he does, his eyes widen.
    "Lavena," He whispers my name on a breath, so soft I almost miss it.
    "Will this work?" I ask, running a hand down the skirt, "To... intimidate your suitors?" Alarik seems dazed, my question seeming to pass him.
    "Lavena, you... in that..." He steps close to me, running a hand up over the straps that wrap around my torso, " could intimidate any dragon." I feel my face redden.
    "Just one more thing." Alarik walks to a cabinet and pulls something that glints gently in his hands. When he approaches me... he takes a key... and unlocks my slave's collar.

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