Chapter Thirteen: Back From The Dead

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Alarik's twin brother? But he's supposed to be dead!
    "But– but how?" Alarik gasps. Killian opens his arms wide, a sadistic grin on his face.
    "Nothing, not even your pathetic attempt at murder, will keep me from my birthright." Killian laughs. My god. He's actually real. The high priest holds up his palms, darkness gathering there as though he is building a powerful weapon.
    "Myrkva..!" The high priest starts, but Killian grabs the priest's hands and, with no strain at all, crushes them. The priest falls to his knees in agony. Celeste and the rest of the crowd scream and turn to run, but Alarik doesn't move. What is he doing?
    "Alarik, you can't let guilt rule you!" I yell. My words seem to shake Alarik from his stupor, but it's too late. Killian lunges forward and grabs him by his throat. Killian is impossibly strong, even without his hereditary powers. Alarik fights him, clawing at his grip.
    "Do you remember that day? The day you tried to kill me?" Killian asks. He squeezes Alarik's throat so hard I fear it'll snap.
    "The day you betrayed your only brother and stole his throne?!" Through my bond, I feel something shatter within Alarik. He drops his hands, no longer fighting Killian off. No.
    "Alarik, this is bullshit! Don't listen to him!" I yell. Killian's dangerous draconian eyes snap to me and he cocks an eyebrow.
    "I see you've collected quite the bounty in my absence. When I take my throne back, I'll be sure to take your treasure too." Killian laughs.
    "Lavena– run–" Alarik gasps, his eyes wide and pleading.
    "That's right." Killian laughs as he shakes Alarik, "You pathetic, weak, false king." He squeezes Alarik's throat harder and a trickle of blood spills from the corner of his mouth.
    "Alarik!" I gasp.
    "Tell the truth before I kill you." Killian demands, "You wanted me dead. You wanted my power!" A tear falls from Alarik's dull eyes and my mark burns with the all-consuming guilt and self-hatred Alarik feels. Killian grins triumphantly, his eyes flashing red as he raises a clawed hand at Alarik's chest.
    "I'll be taking my power back now, brother." Killian declares. I go to move forward, but Killian's fire burns around me, making it impossible to move. I watch in horror as Killian brings his clawed hand down like a blade over Alarik's chest.
    "No!" I scream as Killian throws Alarik on the ground like garbage and he rolls to his side, clutching his chest in agony.
    "Alarik!" I meet his eyes, my mark aching with my desperation to reach him. Struggling through the fire, I sprint for him, but another massive explosion sends me flying. A horde of enemy dragons soar from the sky, slicing the wedding aisle in half with bomb-like blasts of fire.
    "Lavena! RUN!" Alarik's voice booms through the madness. I stumble and run for my life, making my way back to the tents.

    I stop in my tracks when several tents explode, shaking the earth beneath my feet. Damn, it. I can't move! A dragon swoops low and sprays more deadly fire, and I lunge into the nearest tent. Flying debris and dense smoke obscure my vision. I get down on my hands and knees, away from the thickest smoke, inching further into the burning tent. If I can just get to the other side... Against the blinding flames, I miraculously spot a familiar, hulking outline. Alarik! Tears prick my eyes as I grab Alarik's head and press my forehead to his palm.
    "Thank god you're here." I gasp. He places his hand over mine, squeezing hard.
    "I was worried I wouldn't find you again."
    "Alarik, what do we do?" I ask, coughing through the smoke.
    "I can think of a few things." He states. My eyes narrow in confusion.
    "What do you mean? Alarik, you–" My words dry up in my throat as I let go of his hand and step back. He doesn't sound right. He doesn't feel right. When my vision clears, my heart sinks. Killian stares back at me through the ash and smoke.
    "It seems you're as smart as you are stunning." He states, "My brother really has great taste in toys." I back away and stumble, falling over some burning rubble as Killian stalks toward me.
    "Let's play." He laughs lowly.
    "I will kill you if you touch me." My hands ball into shaking fists at my sides.
    "Keep telling yourself that. I love it." Killian takes a menacing step toward me and I feel the heat of the raging fire at my back.
    "Be a good little human and beg for my mercy on your knees." Killian demands, "I want to see those eyes looking up at me when I tear a scream from your lips." I gasp and look around the tent wildly, looking for an exit, but the smoke and fire fill the room, making it impossible to move. Shaking and out of options, I slowly drop to my knees. Maybe if I play his game, I can get out in one piece.
    "Go on. Beg." Killian commands.
    "Please." I say as I glare up at him, "Please let me go." Killian studies me for a moment, cocking his head to the side.
    "Mmmm... no. Don't think I will." He sighs. In a furry of talons and teeth, Killian shifts into his powerful red dragon form. He whips his massive head down on me, and I'm thrown across the tent. I slam into something hard and my head snaps back. As Killian stalks toward me, blackness bleeds into my vision, swallowing me whole. A nightmarish darkness takes me as I black out, powerless to stop Killian. He will mutilate me. Everything in me tightens at the thought of being disfigured by this monster... but when I open my eyes, it is not rows of teeth I see. It's bloodstained stone.

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