Chapter 34

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Miles POV

I kept caressing Maddie’s bloody cheek.

"Maddie, love, please wake up." I cried out. "Please, I need you to open your eyes."

"Come on, Mads." Max mumbled. "Come back to us."

Sam turned around to take a look at her.

"Move your hands a little, Milo." Sam told me.

I didn’t want to. I really didn’t want to. But I knew that he had to check on her, so I reluctantly moved my hands away.

Sam leaned over the seat and gently cupped her cheeks. He lifted her upper lip, and I saw blood in her mouth.

I saw fucking red.

I wanted to kill the fucker who did this.

"The blood is coming out of her mouth." Sam mumbled. "She probably has a split lip. I can’t see her teeth, though. I hope that the fucker didn’t break her teeth."

Max sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"We should have shot them all." Max said angrily. "How could they do this?"

Maddie stirred, and I gasped loudly. I looked down at her and cupped her cheeks gently.

"Maddie?" I called her. "Wake up, love, come on."

Her eyes fluttered.

"Come on, Mads." Max said, leaning over me to take a look at her.

"Is she awake?" Ryan asked, glancing at us through the rearview mirror.

"Maddie?" I called her again.

She opened her eyes a little and groaned quietly.

"Oh, Mads." Max cried out. "You are safe now. We’ve got you."

She furrowed her eyebrows and shut her eyes tightly.

"Maddie, baby?" Sam called her as he caressed her forehead. "Wake up."

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. I almost cried.

"Hey, love." I said, smiling at her. "You are safe now."

Her eyes widened a little. She looked from me to Max. I could feel her tense up.

"It’s okay, Maddie." I said, trying not to sound too panicked. "You are safe. They can’t hurt you anymore."

Maddie tried to sit up. I could hear her breathing pick up.

"Easy, baby, they’ve hit you." Sam told her. "You need to be careful."

Something wasn’t right. She was panicking.

"Maddie?" I called her gently as I moved my hands from her face, giving her a little space.

She sat up abruptly and groaned, placing her hand on her forehead.

"See, love?" Sam sighed. "You need to take it slowly. You are hurt."

Maddie ignored him. She looked up at Max and me. I could see the panic in her eyes.

Something wasn’t right.

"Why did you take me back?" she asked, her voice trembling. "What did I do? I am sorry. I am so sorry. Please don’t hurt me."


Ryan hit the brakes abruptly. Max grabbed Maddie, trying to stop her from flying to the front. She flinched hard.

"What are you talking about, Addie?" Ryan asked as he pulled to the side of the road.

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