Chapter 42

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Maddox POV

I was pissed as fuck. I really needed the police to get my fucking parents and lock them up for good. I couldn't bear the thought of them being near Maddie again. I couldn't bear the thought of them hurting her again.

I was staring down at the half-eaten piece of pizza. I couldn't finish it. I needed that fucking phone to ring.

I looked up at Milo. He wasn’t eating either.

"You need to eat, guys." Sam sighed quietly. "Ryan’s friend will call."

"When?" I mumbled as I placed an arm around Maddie’s shoulders.

I needed reassurance that she was here and that she was fine.

"Soon, Max." Ryan mumbled. "I am sure of it."

I looked down at my sister and frowned. She barely ate anything.

"Eat, Mads." I told her softly. "You need to eat."

She looked up at me, and I saw tears in her eyes.

My heart stopped.

"What’s wrong?" I asked immediately.

Everyone looked up at Maddie with worried looks on their faces.

"Maddie?" Milo called her as he stood up and walked around the table to get closer to her.

He kneeled next to her and ran his fingers through her hair.

Zack and Ryan were staring at her, and I wasn’t sure if they were breathing.

"What is wrong, love?" Sam asked her softly. "Does something hurt?"

Maddie shook her head and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it tightly.

"What’s wrong, Mads?" I asked her quietly.

She looked up at Sam and took a deep breath.

"What evidence did the police find against my foster parents?" Maddie asked, making me tense up.

I glanced at Sam. He tightened his jaw and gulped.

"Did they tell you?" Maddie asked.

Sam nodded. Maddie tightened her hold on my hand.

"What did they find?" she asked quietly.

Sam glanced at Ryan. I could tell that Ryan wasn’t sure if he should tell her.

"Do you know about any evidence they could have found, Mads?" I asked her softly, making her look at me.

I saw fear and pain in her eyes. It made me want to burn the fucking world down.

She nodded.

She knew.

Of course she knew.

I looked at Ryan and gave him a small nod. He took a deep breath and clenched his fist.

"They found some videos and photos, Addie." he said quietly, making her look at him.

A small sob escaped her.

I pulled her onto my lap immediately. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my neck. I kissed the top of her head. Milo sat on her chair and wrapped his arms around both of us.

"Did you see them?" Maddie asked, sobbing quietly.

"No, love." Sam said softly. "We would never watch them and not tell you."

She breathed out, and I could feel her relax a little.

I rubbed her back gently.

"I am so sorry, Mads." I mumbled. "I am so sorry you had to go through it all."

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