More Mundane

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"How can y'all just sit there and watch them? Does it not make you jealous; Watching him put his hands all over her?" Subaru frowned, looking over at his older brother.

"Well we all decided to share her, so this is just part of that." Laito shrugged.

"Hmm I guess I'll leave so y'all can continue whatever this is." He frowned, gesturing around the room.

"No, Subaru, you don't have to. We're done now." I called out, crawling off Yuma and sitting beside him. "Come. Sit." I ordered as I pat the open seat beside me. "I'm sure dinner is almost ready anyway."


1st P.O.V.

"Guys dinner is ready. Y'all come eat." Ruki yelled out from the dinning room. The boys started heading that way, while I quickly jumped up off the couch trying to beat everyone there.

"Someone's hungry" Yuma laughed, watching me from where he was still seated.

"Damn right I am" I agreed as I quickly walked towards the kitchen. "Do you need help setting the table?" I asked Reiji as he backed through the kitchen door hands full with plates and silverware.

"No thank you, I can handle this. However, it would be helpful if you could get the others who wandered off to their rooms." He replied.

"Okay, but don't start dinner without me. I wanna make sure the boys don't eat it all." I nodded before walking away towards the stairs. So I need to find Ayato, Kanato, and Yui. Great....I literally have no idea where their rooms are. I took two stairs at a time, quickly making my way towards the upstairs bedrooms.

I walked down the halls trying every door. Some were locked, others weren't. One room looked like an office mixed with a chemistry lab, another room across from it, I assumed was Reiji's. The room was spotless. Black satin sheets covered the perfectly made bed and dark colored curtains were tied open allowing the moon light to peak through into the room. The next few rooms were what I assumed to be Shu's and Laito's. I pushed the next door open peaking my head through.

"I'm sorry but dinner's ready" I squeaked out quickly as I went to closed the door.

"Where you running off to?" A half naked Ayato asked. "Come on in." He said smiling mischievously.

"I'm good" I smiled sarcastically. "I have to go find Kanato and Yui to tell them dinner's ready."

"Come on Bakunyu, I'll help you if you just give me a second to get dressed." He argued as he ignored my refusal and pulled me into his room, locking the door behind him.

"Ayato... what are you trying to pull here?" I asked side eyeing him as I took a few steps away from him.

"I just wanted a few minutes to have you all to myself." Ayato confessed, a tint of pink blushing his cheeks.

"Is Ore-sama starting to catch feelings for little ol me?" I teased, ginning at the read head.

"I wouldn't tell you if I was." He smirked back before walking over towards his dresser and pulling out some clothes. He threw a T-shirt and some basketball shorts towards me before grabbing some for himself. "Here put these on. I'm sure they'll be more comfortable than what you're wearing."

"Thanks Ayato." I said, a little surprised that he was actually thinking about my comfort.

"You can go ahead and change. I'll try not to peak." He smirked, winking at me as he turned the other way and dropped the only thing covering his body. I was graced with Ayato's pale white ass. Not bad for a man's ass. I giggled at my inner thoughts before turning away. I slid the shorts up under my skirt before pulling it off.

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